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Upgrading the water main infrastructure to improve water services to existing facilities at the Goosecroft Recreation Ground



The Parish Council invites qualified contractors to submit proposals for upgrading the water main infrastructure to improve water services to existing facilities on site and to support the possible expansion of facilities south of the existing sports field. Scope of Work The project is divided into three distinct parts: 1. Installation of a 90mm Water Pipe - from a connection point at the junction of Beech Road and Goosecroft Lane to a boundary point near Goosecroft Lane and the Goosecroft car park (approximately 105m in length). 2. Construction of Two Stub Connections - 1x 32mm commercial supply for the onsite social club. - 1x 63mm commercial supply for other Goosecroft facilities. 3. Provision for Laying Services Pipework From the connection points to the various facilities on site. The specific requirements and specifications for this work will be developed in consultation with the appointed contractor. Key Notes • Access Requirements: Access to the recreation ground must be maintained at all times during the work. • Non-Contestable Works: Thames Water will carry out all non-contestable works, including the connection to the main water supply network. The contractor will not be responsible for these works but must coordinate closely with Thames Water to ensure timely completion of the project. • Existing Metered Supply: The current metered supply for the onsite bungalow will remain unaffected and must be maintained throughout the project. • Contractor Qualifications: The contractor must be on the Lloyd's Register ( to ensure adherence to industry standards and best practices. Technical Requirements • All materials, including pipes and fittings, must comply with relevant British Standards and local authority regulations. • Contractors must ensure minimal disruption to the surrounding community and provide appropriate traffic management if required. Bid Submission Requirements Interested contractors must include the following in their proposals: 1. A project plan, including timelines for each phase of the work. 2. A breakdown of costs, clearly identifying materials, labor, and any other expenses. 3. Provision of fixed costs for Part 1 and 2 of the works and a provisional cost for Part 3. 4. Suggestions or expertise regarding the development of specifications for the provision of services pipework. 5. Evidence of relevant experience, qualifications, and certifications. 6. Confirmation of being listed on the Lloyd's Register ( 7. Details of insurance and liability coverage. Terms and Conditions • The Parish Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. • The contractor must hold all necessary licenses and permits to perform the work. • The contractor must comply with all health and safety regulations. Arrangements to visit the site can be made by contacting the Clerk at Purley on Thames Parish Council - 0118 9844507


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Purley on Thames Parish Council

Sharon Way

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