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Multi-Supplier Panels for the Provision of Short-Term Temporary Placement of Agency Workers under the Support Staff Category to the Health Sector in Ireland



420,000,000 EUR


The Health Service Executive seeks to appoint suitably qualified employment agencies to the following four separate and independent Lots: Ambulance Maintenance, Technical Direct Patient Care Support Staff Note: does not include the grade Healthcare Assistant Grade Codes 6075 and 6012 for the duration of the existing contract. There will be two Panels, Tier 1 and Tier 2, within each Lot in order to meet the need for Short-Term Temporary Placement of Agency Workers under the Support Staff Category to the Health Sector in Ireland. Tenderers may apply for each Lot but their application will be assessed specifically and independently for each Lot. Tenderers may be appointed to more than one Lot. It is envisaged that the duration of the placements will be short term. These Panels may also be used for short-term and temporary placements of analogous grades. The Panels will primarily be available to the HSE – including the new Regional Health Areas - TUSLA and those organisations referred to in Appendix 1. The HSE is managing this tender process and therefore references to the HSE in this document may also be taken to referring to any ‘Contracting Authority’ where appropriate.


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Health Service Executive (HSE)

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