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Provision of Economic Assessment and Social Acceptability of Emerging Low Carbon Aviation Technologies in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland



Highlands and Islands Sustainable Aviation (HISAV) Limited


19,980 GBP


SATE Partners have ambition to enhance rural connectivity, support emergency provision and develop new economic opportunities across the Highlands and Islands. To support this, the contractor is required to undertake qualitative and quantitative assessment of the economic and social benefits (and constraints) that may derive from commercial deployment of each type of technology across the Highlands and Islands region. As part of this, the contractor is required to assess how emerging low-carbon aviation technologies may help to improve the lives, and livelihoods, of people living at 5 specific locations. Wider assessment across the Highland and Islands should be undertaken through structured survey. The findings of this contract will be used by SATE partners to direct investment and support, and to promote the implementation of sustainable aviation across the region. Lot 1: The contractor is required to raise awareness of emerging aviation technologies through a series of in- person locally based workshops. Facilitated discussion, and a structured survey should be used to assess social acceptability of low carbon aviation, as well as to capture the economic value and social benefits that associated use-cases might bring to businesses and members of the public within each of the 5 geographic areas. In addition, the contractor will be required to determine potential barriers to commercial implementation and public uptake. Any specific geographic or cultural aspects emerging during discussion should be noted and considered when undertaking analysis


Award date

a month ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

North Highland College

Julie Fraser

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