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Northamptonshire Children's Trust - Provision Of Targeted Safeguarding Support Services for Children and Young People



1,032,060 GBP


Northamptonshire Children's Trust wishes to invite Tender Responses for the supply of Targeted Safeguarding Support Services for Children and Young People in Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Children's Trust is committed to protecting and supporting children, young people, and their families in the County. The overall principle of the Northamptonshire Children's Trust Safeguarding Partnerships Early Help Strategy and Corporate Parent Strategy is to provide early and effective help and support to children and families when they need it, with the long-term aim of "helping more families in Northamptonshire to be able to help themselves" and this improving their overall wellbeing and quality of life. Northamptonshire Children's Trust works with its partners, stakeholders, and communities to provide effective and co-ordinated help and support to children and their families at the earliest opportunity, to prevent them from having to experience difficulties and distress in the first place. The Provider will be expected to build and maintain effective relationships and partnerships with all safeguarding agencies, local stakeholders and organisations to ensure that the best possible outcomes for children, young people and their families and achieved. It is likely that the families that the Provider will be working with will have one or more of the presenting needs, and will require help and support to allow the children and young people to remain with their families: • Immediate and Short-Term Intensive Support Services • Medium and Long-Term Intensive Support Services • Multi-Systematic Therapy (MST) • Home Stability Support Services The Children's Trust's detailed requirements are defined in the Service Specification in the tender documents. Additional information: To view the tender documentation please visit


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North Northamptonshire Council

North Northamptonshire Procurement Team

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