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Contract For The Supply Only Of Pothole Repair Material



The City and County of Swansea operate a 48 hour pot hole repair project. This requires a proprietary product to be used out of hours in all condition. The Council recognise the advantage of a one stop fix and all repairs permanent first visit. This contract is for the supply of a Permanent Cold Lay Surfacing Material (PCSM) for use on the Highway and other public areas in Swansea. To be delivered to the Highways Deport in Players Industrial Estate Clydach Swansea. The materials are required to be HAPAS certified PCSM material usable in wet conditions. Products that require a dry surface will not be considered. Products that require a dry surface will not be considered. Material to be available in 25Kg bags in 6mm aggregate. Shelf life to be a minimum of 4 months. Lot 1: The City and County of Swansea operate a 48 hour pot hole repair project. This requires a proprietary product to be used out of hours in all condition. The Council recognise the advantage of a one stop fix and all repairs permanent first visit. This contract is for the supply of a Permanent Cold Lay Surfacing Material (PCSM) for use on the Highway and other public areas in Swansea. To be delivered to the Highways Deport in Players Industrial Estate Clydach Swansea. The materials are required to be HAPAS certified PCSM material usable in wet conditions. Products that require a dry surface will not be considered. Products that require a dry surface will not be considered. Material to be available in 25Kg bags in 6mm aggregate. Shelf life to be a minimum of 4 months. Additional information: Tenderers are required to submit COSHH hazard data sheets with their tenders for the product priced. Failure to provide such information may influence the selection of suppliers. Tenderers are required to submit COSHH hazard data sheets with their tenders for the product priced. Failure to provide such information may influence the selection of suppliers.


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Legal, Democratic and Business Intelligence, Swansea Council,

Lisa Evans

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