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Digital End-To-End Patient Management Solution for Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board



NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board has awarded a contract to IEG4 Limited under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for a digitalised end to end patient management system to support the referrals, assessment, approval, contracting, payment and case management of NHS funded care packages. Information is required to seamlessly flow between processes by connecting the entire lifecycle into one platform and through an enforced digital workflow. The system needs to facilitate the services to deliver enhanced transformation and is expected to become the primary source of record keeping for all aspects connected with individuals receiving NHS funding. One of the key requirements for the new system will be the need for it to be sufficiently flexible to support a wide range of services outside the traditional CHC / Funded Nursing Care (FNC) / Fast Track (FT) / Continuing Care (CC) agenda. Service wide transformation will be implemented across all areas including clinical, business, performance, finance and contracting and commissioning, as well as other clinical pathways for example Acquired Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Specialist Placements. Enabling better integration between systems across Health and Social Care is also critical. These services cover and links many elements of the health and social care system. Therefore, interoperability is of paramount importance, allowing for the ICB and wider Health and Social Care teams to share and view records. This will support improved accessibility and visibility of data which in turn will enable more efficient and streamlined workflows for all teams and a better person experience. The contract term will be for 3 years with an optional extension of any period up to 2 years. The contract value £175,000 in year one, £159,200 in year two and 163,400 in year 3 inclusive of VAT, with a total contract lifecycle value of £497,600 over 3 years, and a possible extension of any period up to a further 2 years giving a total value of £824,400 if the full extension period is adopted. This procurement was carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Lot 1: NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board has awarded a contract to IEG4 Limited under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for a digitalised end to end patient management system to support the referrals, assessment, approval, contracting, payment and case management of NHS funded care packages. Information is required to seamlessly flow between processes by connecting the entire lifecycle into one platform and through an enforced digital workflow. The system needs to facilitate the services to deliver enhanced transformation and is expected to become the primary source of record keeping for all aspects connected with individuals receiving NHS funding. One of the key requirements for the new system will be the need for it to be sufficiently flexible to support a wide range of services outside the traditional CHC / Funded Nursing Care (FNC) / Fast Track (FT) / Continuing Care (CC) agenda. Service wide transformation will be implemented across all areas including clinical, business, performance, finance and contracting and commissioning, as well as other clinical pathways for example Acquired Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Specialist Placements. Enabling better integration between systems across Health and Social Care is also critical. These services cover and links many elements of the health and social care system. Therefore, interoperability is of paramount importance, allowing for the ICB and wider Health and Social Care teams to share and view records. This will support improved accessibility and visibility of data which in turn will enable more efficient and streamlined workflows for all teams and a better person experience. The contract term will be for 3 years with an optional extension of any period up to 2 years. The contract value £175,000 in year one, £159,200 in year two and 163,400 in year 3 inclusive of VAT, with a total contract lifecycle value of £497,600 over 3 years, and a possible extension of any period up to a further 2 years giving a total value of £824,400 if the full extension period is adopted. This procurement was carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Additional information: The services are subject to the full regime of current procurement legislation and as such this tender was conducted in accordance with, and governed by, the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This contract was therefore be awarded in accordance with the provisions applicable in Section 5 (sub-section 7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board

Donna Harrington

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