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Oldfield Road - Permanent way



This is an enhancement scheme funded by the DfT and is part of a package of proposed measures in the Manchester area that are planned to boost capacity and resilience, emanating from the Cross Manchester Capacity and Reliability Improvement Study. The scheme is for the design and delivery of an East facing turnback, located on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Line (ELR: MVE1) adjacent to the existing Salford Hope Street (Cemex) sidings between Salford Central Station and the Oldfield Road Bridge. At Victoria Station, the through platforms also accommodate terminating trains. The extended time to terminate and turnback in the platforms restricts platform availability for through services. The provision of the turnback siding will allow terminating services from the East arriving at Victoria to clear the platform, travel to the turnback siding and await their next turn of duty, clear of the station. There is the further benefit of an additional stop at Salford Central Station for passengers to disembark for Manchester Spinningfields, a major employment location in the city centre. The turnback would also act as a service recovery measure during times of service perturbation. The turnback is to consist of two roads, to accommodate trains up to 8 car x 24m in one road and 6 car x 24m in a second road; with access to and from platforms 3-6 at Manchester Victoria via existing connections. The new east facing turnback shall also be able to operate as a berthing/storage siding, with walking routes to allow train crew to access and egress the railway. The turnback will be fully electrified at 25kV and be fully signalled as a route for planned, rather than simply emergency, usage.


Publish date

7 months ago

Close date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Kier Infrastructure and Overseas - CP7 NWC

Mark Thompson

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