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Framework for the Provision of PPE, Workwear, Safety Equipment and Signage and Janitorial Supplies



D R Caswell Limited, workwear express ltd, Lyreco UK Limited, D R Caswell Limited, Lyreco UK Limited, D R Caswell Limited, Lyreco UK Limited, D R Caswell Limited


600,000 GBP


CPI are looking to appoint several Contractors for the supply of their Framework for the Provision of PPE, Workwear, Safety Equipment and Signage and Janitorial Supplies. It is envisaged that this Contract will cover the following areas:• Workwear• PPE Equipment• Safety Signs• First Aid Consumables• Site Equipment• Cleaning Products The Framework will be let for a period of 48 months.With regards to the budget, it is difficult to quantify as it is subject to fluctuating usage, however historically over the 4-year period CPI have spent approximately £370K. Although this does not represent our budget, nor can CPI guarantee the spend on this Contract the maximum, spend on this permitted on this Contract will be set at £600,000K.This opportunity will be broken down into the following lots:• Lot 1 – Workwear• Lot 2 – PPE• Lot 3 – Safety Equipment and Signage • Lot 4 – Janitorial SuppliesCPI are looking to appoint a minimum of 1 or up to maximum of 3 Contractors per lot. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Workwear The Contractor must be able to supply a various, items of workwear which are documented in the pricing schedule for this lot. The Contractor must also make sure that all items of workwear supplied on this contract are ethically manufactured.The workwear provided as part of this Contract must also meet all current BS/ EN standards required for the garment. The Contractor must make sure that the workwear is an appropriate quality for the environment it will be worn in and can be maintained without damage or the garment changing significantly to the point where it is unwearable. Lot 2: Lot 2 - PPE The Contractor must be able to supply a various, items of PPE which are documented in the pricing schedule for this lot. The Contractor must also make sure that all items of PPE confirm to all necessary BS/EN standards. Lot 3: Lot 3 - Safety Equipment & Signage The Contractor must be able to supply a various, Safety Equipment & Signage which are documented in the pricing schedule for this lot. The Contractor must also make sure that all items confirm to all necessary BS/EN standards. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Janitorial Supplies The Contractor must be able to supply the various janitorial supplies which are documented in the pricing schedule for this lot. The Contractor must also make sure that all the janitorial supplies confirm to all necessary BS/EN standards.


Award date

29 days ago

Publish date

a day ago

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Centre for Process Innovation


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