Healthcare Improvement Scotland - Website Redevelopment Discovery Phase
Summary of the work We require a consultant led team to work with us on the discovery stage and to develop and deliver the User Requirement Specification for a redeveloped HIS website, that pulls together existing individual websites that make up the HIS web estate. The URS should be useable in build-stage tendering activity. Expected Contract Length 8 - 12 weeks Latest start date Monday 15 August 2022 Budget Range £80,000 - £90,000, ex VAT. Your fee should account for the total cost of discovery and delivery of the URS document. Your fixed fee should contain a break down of the resources you plan to deploy and what task they will be working on. Any costs not included will be considered to have been waived. We will not be able to offer incentives for any user research requiring input from members of the public. Why the Work is Being Done The digital vision for Healthcare Improvement Scotland is “to drive the use of technology across HIS – from rethinking our products, to automating routine work, to using data to drive to decisions – to help us achieve our strategic goals. This is underpinned by five digital ambitions. Two are aimed at improving our offering to the service by delivering intelligent products that are accessible from anywhere. They focus on the functionality and accessibility of our work via our website and potentially other national health delivery platforms. However, the Healthcare Improvement Scotland website needs a radical overhaul to be able to deliver what we need both now and in the future. As we support the service to recover from the pandemic, develop our work programmes and raise the profile of the organisation, we will drive more visitors to the website. It needs to be user centric with the functionality to showcase our work, provide answers, offer guidance and connections by supporting and guiding visitors through their website journey. Problem to Be Solved The HIS website in its current form is incapable of supporting the organisation’s ambitions and has reached the end of its useful life. The current HIS website and 17 associated microsites have grown organically over the years and do not give the user experience we would like or that reflects well on HIS. Its architecture makes it difficult to navigate and search through the website. Additionally, the role of HIS is unclear and the vast majority of our excellent work remains invisible. The Internet has dramatically changed how we create and consume information and the traditional document-centric approach has been superseded by a more web-centric model which offers more dynamic, searchable interlinked data – this is beyond the capabilities of the current HIS website. In addition, there are increasing requests for new or additional web presence and content which makes the landscape even more cluttered and confusing for the user, increases the complexity of content management and can dilute the HIS brand. Who Are the Users We work with health & care professionals who provide care in hospitals, GP practices, clinics, NHS boards and with patients, carers, communities and the public. Expected users of the website are health & care professionals from all disciplines – doctors (hospital and GPs in primary care), nurses (hospitals and primary care), pharmacists, allied health professionals, social care staff, members of the public. Our website needs to be able to provides resources and information to support doctors (hospital and GPs in primary care), nurses (hospitals and primary care), pharmacists, allied health professionals, social care staff make decisions about the care they deliver. The website will also provide access to professional guidance, support and advice to inform clinical decision making or improvement activity for the delivery of care and their services. Members of the public need to be able to access information to inform their care decisions and seek information on the quality of care in their hospital or care environments in a quick and simple, intuitive way. Housing, third and independent sector users. All website users must be able to engage and contribute to our work through calls to action, providing feedback or experience in specific areas. Existing Team Discovery phase will be supported by internal HIS staff: Programme Manager Project support Communications Manager As required input from Director/Executive Team as project sponsors It is anticipated that the supplier will work with HIS to identify and work with key internal and external stakeholders. Current Phase Discovery Skills & Experience • Have demonstrable experience in presenting progress reports at their clients’ governance forums (5 points) • Have demonstrable experience of providing and embedding consultant led, multi-disciplinary teams into client organisations to capture and deliver User Requirement Specifications for corporate websites and/or cloud/web based services (5 points) • Have demonstrable experience of preparing, leading, planning and project managing the successful delivery of User Requirement Specifications for corporate websites and/or cloud/web based services. (5 points) • Have a proven track record in working collaboratively with users and understanding their needs whilst gathering their user requirements. (5 points) • Have demonstrable experience of: internal & external stakeholder engagement; interviews; leading interactive analysis workshops; user research and playback sessions for the purposes of capturing clients’ user requirements. (5 points) • Have a proven track record in working remotely with clients via online meeting platforms. (5 points) • Have demonstrable experience of the successful delivery of User Requirement Specifications that have been used in tender exercises for corporate websites and/or cloud/web based services. (5 points) Work Location Virtual working and engagement will be default with in person activity taking place at either HIS main offices, as required, at: Delta House, West Nile Street, Glasgow Gyle Square South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh Working Arrangments We wish to work with your team in a collaborative and Agile manner, including virtual & co-located team working, daily/weekly progress stand-ups and other Agile checkpoints. We would wish access to all members of your team for the purposes of clarification, issue resolution and progress reporting. Working arrangements can be agreed to align with best practice and needs of whole project team, but expected to be within typical office hours (9.00am - 5.00pm) No. of Suppliers to Evaluate 4 Proposal Criteria • Clearly and thoroughly explain and give reasoning for your proposed methodology and approach to achieving the advertised requirements. Include how you’ll manage the work and maintain quality. (10 Points) • Describe the structure of the team; their technical skills, experience and how they will work together to deliver the requirement. (15 points) • Outline your proposed project plan including key milestones and detailed timescales. (10 points) • Describe your ability to mobilise your proposed project team to commence the work by no later than 15th August 2022. (5 points) • Describe how you will deliver value for money, including how you will take previous learning to deliver better value for this project. (10 points) • Demonstrate how you will identify risks, assumptions, and dependencies, and how you will manage these. (10 points) Cultural Fit Criteria • Describe your approach to transferring knowledge to permanent staff. (5 points) • Describe how you will build relationships and gain the trust of all project stakeholders to successfully work within a multidisciplinary agile team to progress the project. (5 points) • Describe your approach to constructively challenging traditional thinking, encouraging innovation and inspiring new ways of thinking to discover solutions not typically found in the public sector. (5 points) • Describe how your team will respond to change and adapt their approach when dealing with blockers. (5 points) • Describe how your team will work with individuals with varying levels of technical literacy. (5 points) • Describe your approach to using research and evidence to challenge underlying assumptions and present findings in a way decision makers can easily digest. (5 points) Payment Approach Fixed price Assessment Method • Case study • Work history • Reference • Presentation Evaluation Weighting Technical competence 60% Cultural fit 10% Price 30% Questions from Suppliers 1. Can you advise if there is a requirement to deliver user research via in person workshops, or if remote sessions are acceptable. We are happy to discuss and agree how best to undertake user research via either virtual or in person workshops. Virtual sessions will reduce travel costs and allow greater numbers to be accommodated/invited to join, however we would wish to design the workshops with the user group in mind, and what method or mechanism is better suited to that group of individuals. We are happy to host in-person sessions at our Glasgow or Edinburgh offices. The HIS project team will wish to observe the user research sessions. 2. Please can you confirm if you have mechanisms to recruit users? HIS have extensive networks of existing website users and those who support, deliver or engage with us through our work programmes. We are happy to support and provide information on engaging with these groups, including contacts or distribution lists. If there are other groups identified through the project that we do not have existing links with, we can agree with the project team how best to approach. 3. Could we have a list of all 17 current sub-sites, with URLs? HIS HIS iHub CE SIGN SMC SAPG SHTG SPSP What matters to you ISP SUDI VIS HIS portal for IHC Knowledge Hub community site Pallative Care Guidelines Blog 4. Will the authority provide initial contacts for key agencies and professional bodies in Scotland? Yes 5. Are the microsites currently all on the same platform/CMS? If not, what platforms are they on? Our existing web estate has grown organically and are currently hosted on different platforms and CMS systems. Some of these systems are no longer supported by the vendors. A detailed list can be provided but the 3 main CMS systems are Umbraco, Immediacy and WordPress. 6. Is there likely to be a requirement to scope for any third party integrations or ability to integrate with existing systems/software? Yes but this will be agreed and developed with the supplier and our hosting partner for the redeveloped website(s). 7. You seem to already have an idea of the different groups of users using the HIS website. Did you perform user research in the past? If yes, how extensive was it? No formal user research has been conducted for the website. Our core work plan requires us to regularly engage with partners and professionals across health and social care and the wider public sector. 8. Do you have a specific format/structure in mind for the User Requirement Specification or are you open to recommendations for that? The documentation produced must be suitable for use in future tender exercises for the Alpha, Beta, Live website delivery and build stages. We are open to recommendations on the format for the User Requirements Specification and supporting documentation. 9. Do you have a specific format/structure in mind for the User Requirement Specification or are you open to recommendations for that? The documentation produced must be suitable for use in future tender exercises for the Alpha, Beta, Live website delivery and build stages. We are open to recommendations on the format for the User Requirements Specification and supporting documentation. 10. "You mention “[...] there are increasing requests for new or additional web presence andcontent [...]” Are these requests coming from users or internal stakeholders (or both)?" Current requests have been received from internal stakeholders. 11. You mention potential presentations to “governance forums”. Could you please give a brief description of what a governance forum would consist of in the context of HIS? (Rough number of participants, types of stakeholders, etc.) HIS are required to regularly report to our board and governance committee meetings on progress of all of our work. This is a high profile and regulated expenditure piece of work and we will be regularly attending these committees and expected to produce progress reports and updates on the work. Support from the supplier in producing these as well as the supplier engaging with our board members will be required. Number of participants at these forums will vary but will be no more than 30 at governance forums and participants will be senior staff, executive and non-executive directors. 12. How do your permanent staff typically like to learn best? At HIS, we encourage a variety of methods and approaches to learning and always tailor to the subject matter, the outcome we wish to achieve and the individuals. All learning must be accessible and should support achieving the project outcomes as well as building knowledge and expertise that practically supports individuals to undertake their roles. 13. How confident do staff currently feel about working within agile processes? The Project team are comfortable using agile processes. In HIS we use a variety of project management methodologies and tailor or combine our approach based on the outcome we wish to achieve and the project itself. 14. What technology do staff currently use to engage with others? HIS use the full Microsoft 365 package, including MS Teams for virtual meetings and engagement activity. We can use Zoom if the audience prefers. Other digital tools or technology are also used to support collaboration or project management. 15. Please can you clarify why NHS Scotland are unable to pay incentives for public users? We work with an extensive range of stakeholders, networks and partners who can support engagement with user groups. The HIS Community Engagement directorate work regularly with members of the public and can support engaging public users. 16. Do you have a preference for online collaboration tools to be used as part of this project? HIS use the full Microsoft 365 package, including MS Teams for virtual meetings and engagement activity. We can use Zoom if the audience prefers. Other digital tools or technology can be used to support collaboration or project management. 17. Will there be a presentation stage, or are you judging submissions purely on written proposals? Yes, there will be an assessed presentation stage. The 4 shortlisted suppliers will be asked to deliver a presentation of their written proposal and cultural fit criteria. A final consensus score will be agreed by the HIS tender evaluation panel, taking in to consideration both the quality of the written response to the proposal / cultural fit criteria and how these are then delivered at the presentation stage. 18. Would a supplier that successfully wins and delivers this opportunity be automatically excluded from tendering for the delivery of the site based on the URS? No, the supplier awarded the contract to deliver the URS would not be excluded from tendering for the website build and delivery. To ensure total transparency and fairness in any subsequent procurement process; all the documentation developed during discovery will be made available to all prospective suppliers interested in submitting a tender for the build and delivery of the website. 19. Please can you confirm if suppliers can include multiple examples in their response for each question? Yes, suppliers may include multiple examples in their response for each question. Suppliers should note that a single example will score as highly as multiple examples if it answers advertised requirements to the same standard. This approach to the evaluation of single and multiple examples is per the standard DOS 5 Framework scoring methodology. 20. Please can you clarify if the successful supplier which is awarded this opportunity will be precluded/prohibited from bidding for the next phase of the project? No, the supplier awarded the contract to deliver the URS would not be excluded from tendering for the website build and delivery. To ensure total transparency and fairness in any subsequent procurement process; all the documentation developed during discovery will be made available to all prospective suppliers interested in submitting a tender for the build and delivery of the website. 21. Please can you clarify how you will score the unweighted Stage 2 elements: Case study, Work history, Reference, Presentation? Presentation: The 4 shortlisted suppliers will be asked to deliver a presentation of their written proposal and cultural fit criteria. A final consensus score will be agreed by the evaluation panel, taking in to consideration both the quality of the written proposal / cultural fit criteria and how these are delivered at the presentation stage. Case Study and Work History: Suppliers that include a specific and relevant work history & case study example(s) to substantiate answers provided in their written proposal & cultural fit response and the follow up presentation will score more highly than suppliers that do not. 22. Please can you clarify how you will score the unweighted Stage 2 elements: Case study, Work history, Reference, Presentation? part 2: Reference: The reference(s) provided will not be scored. The purpose of the reference is to verify any examples given. 23. Please could you provide detail on your five point evaluation criteria for the essential skills and experience questions? Suppliers will be awarded a score from 0 to 3 per the standard DOS5 scoring methodology.The 5 points for each criterion will then be multiplied by the score from 0-3 awarded. The multiplied number of points will then be added together and the top 4 scoring suppliers shall be shortlisted. 24. You mention the provider will be “transferring knowledge to permanent staff.” Could you please tell us which aspect of the work you would like the provider the train the HIS staff in? (e.g. user of new technology, user research, service design) Part 1 HIS operates with a continuous learning and improvement culture as a central part of who we are and what we do. It is expected that HIS staff will be introduced to new concepts, ways of working and different design thinking approaches through the discovery process. The requirement to transfer knowledge is to ensure our project team and board have the ability to present and share the discovery process outcome with the whole organisation, and to speak knowledgeably about the process and its findings. 25. You mention the provider will be “transferring knowledge to permanent staff.” Could you please tell us which aspect of the work you would like the provider the train the HIS staff in? (e.g. user of new technology, user research, service design) Part 2 This will enable us to embed the findings of the discovery phase in our day to day work and ensure resilience and buy-in to the website project. Formal training is not expected. In general, we are aware that some HIS staff will have limited knowledge of discovery exercises, user experience or general web development activity.
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