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CS1966 District Specialist Centre (DSC) Windmill Hill, Tidworth



Wiltshire Council are seeking a provider to deliver a Specialist Early Years Setting in Tidworth. The District Specialist Centres (DSC) Service is a service commissioned by Wiltshire Council to provide specialised support for Early Years children with SEND. This service is to help ensure that children in Wiltshire achieve their best possible outcomes for them. Support is provided in the DSC setting and by working in partnership with mainstream Early Years settings, Portage and other partners in the council and in the community. DSCs, through in reach and outreach, will provide support to Early Years settings to help children with SEND to access a place in a mainstream setting. Lot 1: Wiltshire Council are seeking a provider to deliver a Specialist Early Years Setting in Tidworth. The District Specialist Centres (DSC) Service is a service commissioned by Wiltshire Council to provide specialised support for Early Years children with SEND. This service is to help ensure that children in Wiltshire achieve their best possible outcomes for them. Support is provided in the DSC setting and by working in partnership with mainstream Early Years settings, Portage and other partners in the council and in the community. DSCs, through in reach and outreach, will provide support to Early Years settings to help children with SEND to access a place in a mainstream setting. The services will operate term-time only, 38 weeks a year in line with Wiltshire school terms. The length of contract is five years with the option to extend for a further 4 years. The Service will operate from The Windmill Hill Centre in Tidworth and the lease for this building is offered as part of the contract. The service will: • Provide each child at least 5 hours of sessions each week • Provide inreach, outreach and workshops • Support parent/ carers to help enable their child(ren) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to realise their potential. • Support children and their parent/ carers to be included within their mainstream provision within their local community where possible. • Work closely with local authority teams and other organisations supporting early years children and their families to maximise efficiencies and reduce any possible duplication of work. • Work with Wiltshire Council officers and other organisations to help ensure all early years’ staff, from settings that seek your support, feel confident that they can support a child with SEND to access and enjoy their early years setting. • Empower parents to become independent in supporting their children’s educational, health and social needs. Region(s) of supply Wiltshire Council - Tidworth Estimated value £ 1,239,637


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Wiltshire Council

Mr Dave Gillett

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