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UHB PAS Migration Partner



University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) is one of the largest teaching hospital Trusts in England and the West Midlands, serving a regional, national and international population. It includes Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham Chest Clinic, Good Hope Hospital, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Solihull Hospital and various Community Services. We also run a number of smaller satellite units, allowing people to be treated as close to home as possible.<br/>As an NHS organisation, UHB will see and treat more than 2.2 million people every year across our sites UHB currently employs over 20,000 members of staff and we are in the process of procuring a new patient administration system (PAS). To support this programme we will need to undertake a massive data migration. Lot 1: Requirement is for a Data Migration Partner to support the data migration from the current PAS to the new PAS. <br/>• The data migration partner must evidence experience of facilitation data migration for PAS Replacement projects at large Acute NHS Trusts<br/>The data migration partner must meet the following requirements at each of the project stages:<br/>• At Project Initiation: <br/>o to support the development of the definition of the project<br/>o agreeing project plan<br/>o identify and confirm quantity and allocation of resources <br/>o Confirmation of escalation methodology and routes<br/>o Development of reporting metrics and tools<br/>• At Discovery Phase: <br/>o Support and facilitate a series of workshops to align DM strategy, extraction routines, MPI merging rules, minimum data load (how far back are we going to go)? <br/>• At Analysis and Design Phase:<br/>o Support and facilitate the implementation, configuration and testing of proposed data migration from source system (current PAS) and transformation model<br/>• At Data Loading Phase:<br/>o Support and facilitate the approach and methodology for import data from existing system with minimal transformation. <br/>• Data Quality Review Phase:<br/>o Support and facilitate the approach and methodology for the review of legacy system Data Quality, to inform any additional transformation rules required for migration, for example, RTT data integrity<br/><br/>• Data Mapping and Transformation Phase:<br/>o Support and facilitate the approach and methodology for the implementation, configuration and testing of the target system(the new PAS)<br/>o Ensure that all data migration routes and transformations are auditable to support validation and reconciliation<br/>o Ensure that Code mappings are coded data items<br/>o Ensure that the Data quality tool is refreshed and reviewed weekly<br/><br/>• Trial Load and Go Live Phase: <br/>o Support and facilitate the approach and methodology for trial loads into the new PAS, Validation of trial loads to ensure data integrity<br/>o Support and facilitate the approach and methodology for Full Dress Rehearsal (FDR)<br/>o Support and assist with full Go Live.<br/><br/>• Data Archive Phase: <br/>o Support and facilitate the requirements to support a data archiving solution which provides a provision of an in-context link in the new PAS<br/><br/>Interested vendors should submit a detailed proposal outlining the following:<br/>o Functional capabilities aligned with the aforementioned requirements.<br/>o Implementation plan and timeline.<br/>o Data security measures.<br/>o Pricing structure, licensing model.


Publish date

2 months ago

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University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Andrew Gough

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