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MHCLG - Development of the National Model Design Code - Invitation to Tender



MHCLG wishes to procure a consultant (the Supplier) to help scope and develop the National Model Design Code, which will include illustrations to support design parameters. The objective is to develop an easy to use toolkit that local planning authorities, developers, built environment professionals and other agencies involved in the design of the built environment can use to ensure that a greater consistency of design quality is delivered for developments through preparation, application and enforcement of local design code criteria. A summary of the requirements for this commission are; An illustrated template setting out design parameters for a local design code to follow and tailor to local sites or areas, with details and metrics; A worked example of a local design guide and a guide on how the template is applied; A statement on good practice for community engagement in developing a local design guide; Enhancement of the National Design Guide to take account of the above. The National Model Design Code should be objectively based, clear, concise and simple to apply. The objectives are for wider application of design codes to help deliver greater certainty in the planning system, faster decision making, increase in pace of delivery of development, as well as improved quality and beauty in the built environment. How the code could be implemented in practice, for example, through the development plan process and how it will be applied in decision making, will be considered as part of facilitated workshops. The Contract will be for an initial period of five and a half (5.5) months commencing in June 2020 and expiring 30th November 2020. The Authority reserves the right to extend the Contract for a period of up to three (3) months. A key dependency for the duration of the Contract term is the length of the consultation, and the Authority will keep the Supplier updated on this point. The maximum budget range to support the production of the publishable National Model Design Code template to form Part 3 of the National Design Guide and worked example is  £60,000 to £80,000 exclusive VAT.  A previous competition for the services was set aside in May 2020 as the Authority had identified changes required to the original Specification and associated Award Criteria.  The changes are now reflected in this Invitation to Tender.


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

5 years ago

Buyer information

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)

Michael Adu

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