Groundwater Monitoring and Recharge Project in Palika of Siraha Districtof Nepal
The primary objectives of this assignment are: 1. Undertake a comprehensive hydrogeological assessment of the Karjanha or Golbazar municipality to compile existing knowledge and data on the region's aquifers. This includes identifying aquifer types (unconfined, semi-confined and confined) required for shallow and deep groundwater monitoring, determining their vertical and horizontal extent, analyzing aquifer properties, and evaluating water availability and current groundwater usage patterns. 2. Develop a groundwater monitoring network that is based on the objectives aligned with existing monitoring systems. 3. Identify and delineate recharge areas for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) as a preventive measure against water scarcity and recommend the local solutions, climate smart technology for water conservation. Lot 489841: Groundwater Monitoring and Recharge Project in Palika of Siraha Districtof Nepal Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is one of the largest non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational organizations in the field of worldwide development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. We finance our work in Africa, Asia and Latin America with donations from the population at large. We also receive funds from various institutional donors such as the German Federal Government, the European Union, the United Nations and others.
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4 months ago
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3 months ago
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Welthungerhilfe Nepal
- Contact:
- Rabin Shrestha
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