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Framework for the Provision of Highways Capital Delivery Services



Associated Asphalt Contracting Ltd, Tarmac Trading Ltd, Landbuild Ltd, Aggregate Industries UK Ltd, Eurovia Infrastructure Ltd, Kier Transportation, Edburton Contractors Ltd, B & M McHugh Ltd, GW Highways, Hazell & Jefferies Ltd, Breheny Civil Engineering, Colas Ltd, FM Conway Ltd, JPCS Ltd, Connor Construction (South West) Ltd, OCTAVIUS INFRASTRUCTURE LTD


198,000,000 GBP


A Framework Agreement for the provision of Highway Services was tendered by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). A summary of the Requirement is given below. The appointment of a maximum of five Contractors to each Lot described below under the Highways Services Framework to provide Highways Services across the county of West Sussex. The Framework Services comprise four lots, incorporating: Lot 4 - Carriageway and Footway Resurfacing - Mobilisation/demobilisation services - Carriageway Resurfacing (including in-situ recycling, Traffic Management, lining and studs) - Footway Resurfacing (resurfacing, reconstruction and in-situ recycling) Lot 5 - Carriageway Surface Dressing and Carriageway & Footway Treatments - Mobilisation/demobilisation services - Carriageway surface dressing - Carriageway treatments, high friction surfacing, re-texturing, joint sealing (including in-situ recycling, Traffic Management, lining and studs - Footway services (repairs, micro surfacing) Lot 6 - Infrastructure Improvement - Mobilisation/demobilisation services - Highway improvement schemes - £25k<£2m Lot 7 - Carriageway Structural Patching - Mobilisation/demobilisation services - Carriageway Structural Patching - PSD Patching - Minor Carriageway Associated Civils - Footway Resurfacing (resurfacing, reconstruction, and in-situ recycling)


Award date

11 months ago

Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

West Sussex County Council

David Robinson

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