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Airway Management Products and Associated Equipment



Albert Waeschle Limited, Creo Medical UK Limited, Ambu Limited, Aquilant Endoscopy Ltd, Armstrong Medical Ltd., Flexicare Medical Limited, Avicenna Surgical Ltd, CHEMICAL INTELLIGENCE LTD, Cook UK Limited, Eden Medical (UK) Limited, Freelance Surgical Ltd, GenX MediCare Ltd, Heathcare 21 (UK) Limited, Henleys Medical Supplies Limited, Intersurgical Ltd, Marshall Airway Products Ltd, MEDECON Healthcare UK Ltd, Meditech Systems Ltd, Medline Industries Ltd, Oscartech UK Ltd, P3 Medical Ltd, Penlon Limited, ProAct Medical Ltd, Prosys International Limited, Rudolf Riester GmbH, Sai Medical Solutions Ltd, Smiths Medical International Ltd, TFX Group Limited, Timesco Healthcare Ltd, Verathon Medical (UK) Ltd., Vyaire Medical Products Ltd, Fannin (UK) Limited, Boston Scientific Ltd, Karl Storz Endoscopy (UK) Limited, Flexicare Medical Limited, Fannin (UK) Limited, Ambu Limited, Athrodax Healthcare International Ltd, Atos Medical UK Limited, Avanos Medical UK Limited, Uniphar Medtech UK Limited, CCMed Ltd, Cook UK Limited, Ebrington (NI) Ltd, Freelance Surgical Ltd, GenX MediCare Ltd, Heathcare 21 (UK) Limited, Insight Medical Products Ltd, Intersurgical Ltd, Marshall Airway Products Ltd, Medasil Surgical Limited, MEDECON Healthcare UK Ltd, Meditech Systems Ltd, Medline Industries Ltd, Oscartech UK Ltd, P3 Medical Ltd, Penlon Limited, Pentland Medical Ltd., ProAct Medical Ltd, Prosys International Limited, Richardson Healthcare Limted, Sai Medical Solutions Ltd, Sheffmed Limited, Smiths Medical International Ltd, TFX Group Limited, Timesco Healthcare Ltd, Vyaire Medical Products Ltd, Vygon (U.K.) Limited, William Davies Care Ltd, Flexicare Medical Limited, Fannin (UK) Limited, Armstrong Medical Ltd., DRAEGER MEDICAL UK LIMITED, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd, Freelance Surgical Ltd, HAMILTON MEDICAL UK LTD, Heathcare 21 (UK) Limited, Intersurgical Ltd, MEDECON Healthcare UK Ltd, Meditech Systems Ltd, MedScience Distribution Ltd, ProAct Medical Ltd, TFX Group Limited, Vyaire Medical Products Ltd, Zoll Medcial UK Limited, Flexicare Medical Limited, Fannin (UK) Limited, Armstrong Medical Ltd., Atos Medical UK Limited, DRAEGER MEDICAL UK LIMITED, Eden Medical (UK) Limited, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd, GVS Filter Technology (UK) Ltd, Heathcare 21 (UK) Limited, Intersurgical Ltd, Medasil Surgical Limited, MEDECON Healthcare UK Ltd, Meditech Systems Ltd, MedScience Distribution Ltd, Pall Europe Limited, ProAct Medical Ltd, Prosys International Limited, Sheffmed Limited, Smiths Medical International Ltd, TFX Group Limited, Vyaire Medical Products Ltd


154,000,000 GBP


The scope of the Framework Agreement is for the supply of Airways Products and Associated Consumables and Accessories for the Airway Management of patients to ensure breathing and respiration. Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £35,000,000 to £45,000,000 in the first year of this framework agreement; however, this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the Framework Agreement. The estimated value of the total Framework Agreement term (including any extension options) is between £140,000,000 to £180,000,000. Lot Lot 1: Laryngoscopes, Video Laryngoscopes, Tracheal Intubation Equipment, Single Use Upper Airway Devices, Single use Bronchoscopes and Single Use Flexible Intubating Endoscopes and Related Accessories This Lot is for the supply of Airway Equipment to aid tracheal intubation. These can be supplied sterile or non-sterile. Products within this Lot include Laryngoscopes, Video Laryngoscopes and Related Accessories. Additional information: Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £15,500,000 in the first year of this Framework Agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the Framework Agreement. Lot Lot 2: Endotracheal Tubes, Endobronchial Tubes and Blockers, Tracheostomy Tubes, Supraglottic Airways and Simple Airway Adjuncts This Lot is for the supply of Airway Devices that provide a means of access and securement of an airway. Products within this Lot include Endotracheal Tubes, Endobronchial Tubes and Blockers, Tracheostomy Tubes, Supraglottic Airways and Simple Airway Adjuncts. Additional information: Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £15,000,000 in the first year of this Framework Agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the Framework Agreement. Lot Lot 3: Breathing Systems Circuits and Accessories This Lot is for the supply of parts that make up the anaesthetic breathing systems / circuits and the critical care breathing systems / circuits. These systems attach to universal and specified anaesthetic machines, universal and specified ventilator machines as well as universal and specified flow drivers used within operating rooms, recovery, emergency and intensive care environments. These parts will include the components which make up the different breathing systems / circuits. Additional information: Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £5,000,000 in the first year of this Framework Agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the Framework Agreement. Lot Lot 4: Humidification and Filtration (HME’s, HMEF’s, Bacterial and Viral Filters) This Lot is for the supply of Humidification and Filtration devices to provide warmth, moisture and filtration manually. These devices and filters do not require the need for heated humidification circuit or cold humidification circuit and are used independently. Products within this Lot include Electrostatic Filters without HME, Electrostatic Filters with HME (HMEF), Pleated / Mechanical Filters without HME, Pleated / Mechanical Filters with HME (HMEF). Additional information: Precise quantities are unknown. It is anticipated that initial expenditure will be in the region of £3,000,000 in the first year of this Framework Agreement, however this is approximate only and the values may vary depending on the requirements of those bodies purchasing under the Framework Agreement.


Award date

a year ago

Publish date

a year ago

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NHS Supply Chain

Georgia Hawkins

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