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Universal Health Services



Suffolk County Council


1,555,500 GBP


The Universal Health Services contract comprises of Learning Disability/Behavioural therapies for 0-18 yrs; coordination assessments for Children in Care (CiC) for 0-25 yrs; Enuresis support for 5-19 yrs; Named Nurses; Continence Products and a Corporate & Admin element. Lot 1: • Learning Disability/Behavioural therapies: 0-18 yrs. Individualised support programs to enable Children and Young People (CYP) to remain within community and attend education. Intensive behavioural support sessions can be with a named nurse and an additional set of sessions with a support worker. • Children in Care (CiC): 0-25 yrs. Co-ordination of Initial Health Assessments and Review Health Assessments provided through an integrated administration hub within recommended timeframes. Ensure statutory health needs of CIC are met. Specialist Looked After Children nurses. • Enuresis (involuntary urination): 5-19 yrs. Assessment, support, and the offer of therapeutic interventions to CYP and their families. Excludes daytime wetting and complicated nocturnal enuresis. • Named nurses: For safeguarding of children across services (covers supervision, compliance, policies/procedures). Support and monitor individual professionals working with vulnerable children, identifying children and families who would benefit from early help and assist and advise on assessment and analysis of risk to children and families. • Continence products and administrative costs are also included as part of this. • Contract is for 1 year with no option to extend. NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board are awarding the contract named within this notice under the Direct Award C process which is outlined within the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The provider named in this notice is an existing provider and has been reviewed through a Key Criteria assessment to ensure the awarding body is satisfied with current performance and reasonably expects the provider to be able to satisfy the contract which is the subject of this notice. The contract which is the subject of this notice has not changed considerably when compared with the existing / previous contract delivered by the named provider. The ICB may wish to introduce additional services during the lifetime of the contract ("Contract modifications"). Such contract modifications will be contemplated where additional requirements are similar and or complementary to the services already included in the Specification, at any given time. Such expansion would be by the addition of services commissioned by the Authority as named in the Contract Notice. To this end, after the award of contract, there is a possibility that the contract may be varied as allowable in accordance with the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023.


Award date

5 months ago

Publish date

10 days ago

Buyer information

NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board

Caryn Akers

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