23-SJM-117 - X Ray/CT Equipment
23-SJM-117 The University of Portsmouth requires a X-ray Micro CT Scanner for teaching and projects in the area of advanced materials .The equipment will be used to support delivery of modules, courses and projects, and allow users to engage in investigative and individual project work. Supplier is expected to supply and deliver the product, carry out installation/setup and provide training, including the use of relevant software; mandatory requirements as detailed in the tender documentation.The University requires suppliers to evaluate 3 samples (samples will be provided). A recorded Demonstration is required. Mandatory Technical requirements and delivery deadlines are detailed in the ITT documentsTo Express an Interest in this project please register on the University of Portsmouth In-Tend webpage and express an interest in this project. Please find the weblink for our webpage below:https://in-tendhost.co.uk/port/ Lot 1: The University of Portsmouth requires X-ray Micro CT Scanner to support delivery of courses and projects across a broad range of teaching and research activities. The equipment will be used for evaluation and characterisation of a broad range of engineering materials, including novel, advanced and non-standard materials. See Specification for full details. Sellers must be able to Supply, Deliver and install, plus meet mandatory requirements. See tender documents. Lot 1: The University of Portsmouth requires X-ray Micro CT Scanner to support delivery of courses and projects across a broad range of teaching and research activities. The equipment will be used for evaluation and characterisation of a broad range of engineering materials, including novel, advanced and non-standard materials. See Specification for full details. Sellers must be able to Supply, Deliver and install, plus meet mandatory requirements. See tender documents.
Publish date
8 months ago
Close date
6 months ago
Buyer information
University of Portsmouth
- Contact:
- Sarah McGrady
- Email:
- procurement@port.ac.uk
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