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Support to the Own Bed Instead Service





16,420 GBP


The Own Bed Instead Service will provide a genuine alternative to intermediate care admission for people who can be managed in the community and early supported discharge for others. The service will also care for residents in the community who require a period of reablement support and assessment to prevent hospital admission. The service will be integrated and will create a culture of enablement and independence to provide time limited, outcome focused domicillary support for people who are certified as medically fit and whose assessed level of rehabilitation need can be safely and effectively provided for within the persons own home through a co-ordinated enhanced community health and social care response. The OBI team will be multidisciplinary, comprising Registered General Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Rehabilitation Support Workers, Day and Night Time Carers, Floating Support and Social Care support (including joint equipment stores, Community Alarms, Telecare, STAR Fast Response Team, Enablement, Third Sector and Night Sitting). The OBI co-ordination and process will be managed by the existing services via joint health and social care staff. The service will be operational from 08.00-20.00hrs, seven days a week. A 24-hour telephone support system will also be available to patients who require advice or assistance from a qualified nurse via ICARES and SPA The ICB intends to award this contract via Direct Award Process C. The total contract value is £16,420. Lot 1: Community Beds, Support to the own bed instead service


Award date

12 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board


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