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Consultancy services to commission a demand study/options appraisal to establish potential future uses for the Grade II* Listed Edgcumbe House & attached Grade II* Listed Taprell House



15,000 GBP


Lostwithiel's Town Team wishes to invite tenders for consultancy services to commission a demand study/options appraisal to establish potential future uses for the Grade II* Listed Edgcumbe House & attached Grade II* Listed Taprell House. The Town team's overarching vision is that the buildings should remain community assets and that they will be utilised to provide something new and different. The project also seeks to identify the role these buildings might play in rejuvenating the town centre and improving Lostwithiel's destination status. The successful bidder will be required to agree the Demand Study methodology in conjunction with the Town Team, acknowledging that this will need to include a public consultation strategy. It is envisaged that the first stage of the community engagement will be led by the Town Team with input from the appointed consultant and that the second stage, with considered and viable options, will be led by the consultant with input from the Town Team. A transport and sustainable travel study for the town is also being commissioned by the Town Team to run in parallel with this study. The appointed Heritage Buildings consultant will need to liaise and be aware of how those proposals may impact upon, and be beneficial to, the future opportunity for this project. The study should include an examination of the economic context of Lostwithiel and consider projections for economic growth taking into account how the overall economy of the area could change in the future. The appointed consultant will also be expected to undertake a strategic level sift of the options to identify any that might be inconsistent with the Council's commitment to tackling the Climate Emergency. Tenders must be returned in a plain sealed envelope marked Heritage Buildings Project Tender by midday on Wednesday 12 October 2022. Should you choose not to post your tender please be advised that it will not be possible to hand deliver it to a member of staff the tender will need to be left in the black post box outside the Taprell courtyard black metal gates. All tenders should be returned to the following address: DO NOT OPEN - TENDER FOR HERITAGE BUILDINGS PROJECT Mrs S Harris Town Clerk Lostwithiel Town Council Taprell House North Street Lostwithiel Cornwall PL22 0BL Tenders submitted electronically by email or fax will not be accepted. A tender that is not sealed, is received after the appointed time for receipt or is in an envelope that has a mark identifying the candidate will be considered an irregular tender.


Publish date

3 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Lostwithiel Town Council

Sandra Harris

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