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Care @ Home Approved List



11,000,000 GBP


Care @ Home - Herefordshire Council is seeking to create an approved list of accredited providers, in respect of Home Care in Herefordshire. This list will be primarily used by the Council's Brokerage team and commissioners to make purchases on behalf of service users, in order to deliver the necessary care and support services which meet their assessed needs. The Care @ Home Approved List of Providers is intended to be a flexible approach to securing packages of home care. With the capability to both supply individual packages of care as well as deliver larger projects. Mini Competitions may take the form of : 1) An individual package of care for a single person or family groups or: 2) A group of packages based on common factors or other commonality this may include a similar level of needs, services, geographical locations, zones or routes or any other factor or factors. The council may also run mini competition's which give exclusivity rights to successful providers for existing or new packages of care, to operate pilot projects or services designed to support packages in any form. The tender will be let under "Light Touch" arrangements under the EU Procurement Directives and implemented in English Law in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). It will be maintained as an open list in a similar way to a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) with some deviations in terms of the evaluation and award timeframes of the list applications and the mechanism of award of subsequent mini competitions which may be focused on service user needs in terms of geographical location, specific types of needs and/or choice or other requirements. To access the opportunity, view the documentation and make an application please go to Register or log in and search for the opportunity under Herefordshire Council


Publish date

7 years ago

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in 13 years

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Herefordshire Council

Mark Cage

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