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Computer-related services



As part of the preparation for the procurement of education technology services, Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) on behalf of Education Authority would like to invite suppliers to participate in the market consultation exercise by completing a questionnaire. The responses to the questionnaire will be used to assist in gaining a better understanding of the feasibility of the requirements, the most appropriate procurement approach and operational delivery model, the capacity of the market to deliver these requirements, and will provide an opportunity for the market to highlight any possible risks or issues that may not have previously been considered. Please see CfT 1668983 on eTendersNI for the preliminary market consultation document for further details. As part of the preparation for the procurement of education technology services, Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) on behalf of Education Authority would like to invite suppliers to participate in the market consultation exercise by completing a questionnaire. The responses to the questionnaire will be used to assist in gaining a better understanding of the feasibility of the requirements, the most appropriate procurement approach and operational delivery model, the capacity of the market to deliver these requirements, and will provide an opportunity for the market to highlight any possible risks or issues that may not have previously been considered. Please see CfT 1668983 on eTendersNI for the preliminary market consultation document for further details. It is also EA’s intention to hold a face to face meetings details including dates and locations will be confirmed at a later stage however it is expected that this will take place week commencing 1.4.2019 to week ending 12.4.2019 at a Belfast location. If you have any queries in relation to the questionnaire or face to face meetings, please submit this through the eTendersNI messaging system where a member of CPD will respond to your query accordingly.


Publish date

6 years ago

Buyer information

Education Authority Northern Ireland


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