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P0216B - HDD-DCO-24-17 Freshservice Licence Renewal



TET Limited


404,221.8 GBP


Hywel Dda Health Board ("HDUHB") has awarded a contract for the provision of Freshservice licences across the Health Board. This contract is a renewal to provide the Digital Services team with access to their Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) toolset platform. The requirement is utilised to actively manage all the Health Boards Information Technology (IT) operations including service desk, incidents and asset management. The platform is essential for the Digital Service team to ensure compliance with normal industry practice and without it they will have no system to manage their IT operations including managing calls, resolving incidents and managing IT assess and infrastructure.The NHS Shared Business Service (SBS) Digital Workplace Solutions framework agreement (SBS/19/AB/WAB/9411) is compliant with UK/EU procurement legislation and provides a compliant route to source full end-to-end IT solutions, and individual elements of IT solutions. The digital framework can ensure delivery of effective consumer-oriented technologies that meet your requirements across a range of IT infrastructure areas. This framework includes several potential providers who have achieved inclusion on the framework following a qualification process and procurement approached the incumbent provider and one (1) supplier with links to the Welsh economy.


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Josh Wood

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