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Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside (CWRR) Maritime Linesmen



The CWRR project includes a new opening road bridge linking Renfrew to Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire at a location just east of Rothesay Dock on Dock Street Clydebank. The operational provisions require that the bridge opens to shipping as a priority over road traffic crossing the bridge. While the bridge is designed and constructed in a manner which minimises the risk of the bridge failing to open when required. It also includes a number of redundancy features to enable intervention to overcome mechanical failure and allow the bridge to open. As an absolute fail-safe measure, the project includes a layby berth, located on the riverside of Rothesay Dock, where vessels travelling up river, will be able to berth, should all other measures not allow the bridge to open. The Council are looking to appoint two suitably experienced Maritime Linesmen, who will be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year on on-call basis to support mooring and let go operations as and when required by the Client and in the event of the bridge not opening. Lot 1: The Employer has a requirement to place a contract with a single Contractor who is suitably experience to provide the services of 2x Maritime Linesmen who will be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year on an on call basis to support mooring and let go operations as and when required by the Client and in the event of the Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside (CWRR) Bridge not opening. Scope and Key Responsibilities A single call out will be required for the following: - to ensure safe and secure mooring and letting go of vessels in the event of the bridge not opening, and as otherwise required by the Client. - to participate in any mock exercises arranged by the Client. As part of the call out services, the Contractor may be required to: - ensure the safe movement of people to Dock Steet (Drawing Ref Linesmen / 001), or other nearby location as agreed with the Client, should there be a need for passengers to disembark from a moored vessel. - in the event that any breakdown, accident, loss or damage to the Layby Berth or any other associated Asset occurs (such as the bridge), immediately notify the Client and provide support, such as reporting on damage and gathering witness statements, for any Client claims to recover costs from third parties or insurers. The Form of Contract used for this contracts will be NEC4 Term Service Short Contract June 2017 with Z additional and amended clauses. It is anticipated the Contract will be awarded on or around 16 September 2024. The starting date will be on or around 23 September 2024. The service period is anticipated to be sixty (60) months and will expire on the 22 September 2029. The contract includes two (2) break clauses at the end of year three (3) and year four (4) which can be instructed at the sole discretion of the Council subject to the conditions of contract (Z 19). Full details of the requirements are contained in the Procurement Documents which can be accessed and downloaded from the PCS-tender portal.


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8 months ago

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7 months ago

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Renfrewshire Council


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