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Hospital Discharge Volunteers Support Service (North East Lincolnshire)



Friendship at Home


60,946 GBP


Hospital Discharge Volunteers Support Service (North East Lincolnshire) - the service will work with older people who become deconditioned during short hospital stays to re-enable them to optimum levels prior to discharge, creating impact in hospital (better flow) and in the community (reduced care packages), this will include: • providing a co-ordinated approach to reduce deconditioning when in hospital; and • supporting employed staff to engage with individuals through a range of initiatives designed to address reducing deconditioning collaboratively led by nursing and therapy staff supporting the workforce through the introduction of volunteer support workers. The intervention will include a variety of initiatives which provide purpose for individuals to get up and dressed each day and offer them an activity to do, so they don't become bored and disengaged. Working with identified individuals to keep them positive and focused on their recovery. The service will operate 5 days a week Monday-Friday, providing core coverage from 09:00-17:00hrs, and additional support at weekends where volunteer availability permits. The service will be delivered from Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

2 days ago

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