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RCH631 - Internal Audit Services



River Clyde Homes (RCH) are undertaking this procurement for Internal audit services to provide independent assurance that River Clyde Homes’ and Home Fix Scotland’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively. Lot 1: River Clyde Homes is looking to procure an experienced internal auditor to provide independent assurance that River Clyde Homes’ and Home Fix Scotland’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively. The scope of works is as follows: - Perform the internal audit of River Clyde Homes and Home Fix Scotland, in accordance with relevant professional and regulatory requirements, including the expectations of the Scottish Housing Regulator. - Undertake an Audit Needs Assessment - In conjunction with the Audit & Risk Committee, produce a three-year audit programme and annual audit plan. - Identify, test and evaluate key systems and controls. - Confirm key controls are in place, appropriate and effective. If weaknesses are found, propose ways of improving economy, efficiency and effectiveness of our systems, procedures and controls. - Issue draft findings for presentation to the Audit & Finance Committee. - Confirm implementation of accepted recommendations. - Attend all meetings (currently 4 per annum) of the Audit & Finance Committee to present reports and findings. - Liaise effectively with our external auditors, managers and staff as required to ensure efficient and effective delivery of services. Your offer should be based on 25 days per annum of audit work. The appointment will initially be for a period of two years, with an option to extend for a further two 12-month periods, subject to the agreement of the successful bidder. Concurrently, RCH are also tendering for an External Audit Service. Although companies may tender for both the internal and external audit services contracts, it should be clearly noted that the same company will not be awarded both contracts. In the event that a company is the preferred bidder for both contracts, they will be given the option to choose which contract they wish to undertake, with the second highest rated bidder being awarded the other commission.. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 8 and 9 of the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016.


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