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Mental Health Youth workers in A&E Departments to support children and young people who self-harm



Aims of the service To pilot (over 24 months) Mental Health Youth work provision in select A&E departments in South East London for CYP aged 11-18 who present following self-harm with a view to: • Providing discreet, understanding, compassionate and sensitive support for those who are attending A&E for self-harm treatment, which may include those who are also experiencing suicidal ideation. This would include: • Offering support and containment, emotional regulation and managing of risk while in the A&E department. • Understanding any additional or sensory needs of children and young people and support staff working in the A&E department to be mindful of these (such as through use of NHS communications passport). • Offering, at the point of discharge from the A&E department: • A discharge support document that includes signposting to local community offers that might be of benefit to children and young people who self-harm and experience suicidal ideation. • Up to 8 sessions of psychosocial follow up support in the community. • Supporting collaborative working with key professionals and teams involved in the care of the child or young person (e.g. A&E department paediatric emergency medicine staff, psychiatric liaison teams, CAMHS, substance misuse teams) and supporting the sense of a seamless experience of care. • Strengthening the feedback loop between A&E emergency medicine staff and CAMHS once those have been discharged, in particular, if re-presenting. • Ensuring robust data collection and record keeping to enable evaluation of service impact. The Contract will commence on 10/12/2024 for a period of 2 years. Value of contract: £232,000 per annum. The total contract value for 2 years is £464,000 excluding VAT. To apply please follow the link below and search the given contract reference number: Contract Ref Number: C300449


Publish date

7 months ago

Close date

6 months ago

Buyer information

NHS NEL Commissioning Support Unit

Joyel Shaju

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