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National Contractor Framework



A Buckler (Haulage) Ltd, Aptus Construction Ltd, AR Demolition, Ascot Services UK Limited, Ash Contracting Limited, Axis Europe Plc, BAM CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, Bethell Construction Ltd, Borras Construction Ltd, Bowmer & Kirkland Ltd, Britcon (UK) Limited, Burmor Construction Limited, Buxton Building Contractors Limited, Caddick Construction Ltd, Cheetham Hill Construction Limited, City Demolition Contractors (Birmingham) Limited, Conamar Building Services Ltd, Concept Interiors Management ltd, CR Reynolds Ltd, Danaher & Walsh (Civil Engineering) Ltd, DSM Demolition Limited, Enable Infrastructure Ltd, Encon Construction Ltd, Eric Wright Civil Engineering Ltd, ESH CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, Etec Contract Services Ltd, EW Beard Ltd, F Parkinson Ltd, G F Tomlinson Building Limited, Galliford Try Ltd, Geoffrey Osborne Ltd, GMI Construction Group PLC, GRAHAM Asset Management Ltd t/a GRAHAM Facilities Management, Harris Bros. & Collard Ltd, Henry Boot Construction Limited, Higgins Partnerships 1961 PLC, Hutton Construction Ltd, Inivos Ltd t/a Health Spaces, Integral UK Limited, J Freeley Ltd, VOLKERFITZPATRICK LIMITED, KEY CONSTRUCTION (MIDLANDS) LIMITED, Kind & Company (Builders) Limited, Marcon Construction Ltd, Mclaren Construction Limited, Milestone Infrastructure Ltd, Morris and Spottiswood Ltd, Neilcott Construction Ltd, John Graham Construction Limited R7: 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C, NG Bailey Ltd, Interserve Construction Ltd, O'Connell Contracting Ltd, OPUS Building Services Ltd, Overbury Plc, P. Casey & Co. Limited, John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd, P. Casey (Land Reclamation) Limited, PGR Ltd, P.P. O'Connor Group Limited, Prichard Contracting Ltd, Quinn (London) Limited, Re-Gen (UK) Construction Ltd, Resolution Interiors Ltd, Rhodar Industrial Services Limited, Robertson Construction Group Ltd, McLaughlin & Harvey Limited R1a: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R1b: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R1c: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R1d: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R2: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R3: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R4: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R6: 3C 4C 5C 8C, R7: 3C 4C 8C, Saltash Enterprises Limited, Seddon Construction Limited, SEH French Ltd, Illingworth and Gregory Ltd (sewell), Speller Metcalfe Malvern Limited, Stepnell Ltd, T Clarke Contracting Ltd, Thomas Sinden Ltd, TRITON CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, Vhe Construction Plc, VINCI CONSTRUCTION UK LIMITED, Walter West Limited, WATES CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, Willmott Dixon Limited, Carmelcrest Ltd, Cawarden Co. Ltd, Code Building Solutions Ltd, Compass Developments (NE) Ltd, Keltbray Highways Ltd, Winvic Construction Ltd, Kier Construction Limited


8,000,000,000 GBP


Alder Hey Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as the Contracting Authority in partnership with Procure Partnerships has let a National Contractor Framework with a maximum duration of four years, which may be used to award contracts by public sector bodies / 'Contracting Authorities' as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Framework is designed to align with the ambitions of the Construction Playbook, and to help the public sector deliver on the Government's ambition to 'build back better' bringing together commercial best practice and reform to drive better, faster, greener delivery. Potential Framework users may include Schools, Academies, Colleges, Universities, Blue Light/Emergency Services, NHS Bodies, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Bodies, Housing Associations, Libraries and Museums, Registered Charities, Government Departments, Leisure Providers, Clinical Commissioning Groups; as more particularly set out in the Contract Notice 2023/S 000-010899 and the subsequent corrigendum notice ref: 2023/S 000-014178 published on 18th May 2023. Users of the Framework will be able to procure works with associated services (e.g. new build, refurbishment, fit out, infrastructure, single site/project works or multisite projects/ programmes of works) thereunder on the basis of established fixed Contractor overhead and profit rates, and hourly rates. Projects may be of Design and Build or Build Only in nature, under a Two Stage or Single Stage procurement route, embracing both NEC and JCT forms of contract, in compliance with the restrictions on and full freedoms for the range of works and building types provided by the CPV codes referenced. CPV codes 71000000 and 44000000 are to be taken as being covered by this procurement only in context of delivering 4500000 construction works. On the same basis, the Framework includes infrastructure works Lots; construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork. The framework also includes decarbonisation and demolition. Please note details of economic operators provided in this notice refer to their registered address which may differ from their operational address for the purpose of delivering works under this framework. For the avoidance of doubt and as previously communicated, the contract will be concluded in the name of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. Alder Hey is the public sector legal entity responsible for hosting the tender process related to the framework award and, on behalf of Alder Hey, Procure Partnerships will manage the operational running of the framework. Lot 171: Users of the Framework will be able to procure works with associated services (e.g.,new build, refurbishment, fit out, single site/project works or multi site projects/programmes of works) thereunder on the basis of established fixed Contractor overhead and profit rates, and hourly rates. Projects may be of Design and Build or Build Only in nature, under a Direct Award, Two Stage or Single Stage procurement route, embracing both NEC and JCT forms of contract, in compliance with the restrictions on and full freedoms for the range of works and building types provided by the CPV codes referenced. Public sector clients / Framework users will define the nature and scope of each call-off within the parameters of the Framework lot. No guarantees can be provided as to the quantity of call-off s which may utilise this Lot for the duration of the framework. Potential Framework users may include Schools, Academies, Colleges, Universities, Blue Light/Emergency Services, NHS Bodies, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Bodies, Housing Associations, Libraries and Museums, Registered Charities, Government Departments, Leisure Providers, Clinical Commissioning Groups; as more particularly set out in the Contract Notice 2023/S 000-010899 and the subsequent corrigendum notice ref: 2023/S 000-014178 published on 18th May 2023. Due to the size of this contract award notice and some technical difficulties with publishing it, the successful suppliers by lot and region can be found here – For the avoidance of doubt and as previously communicated, the contract will be concluded in the name of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. Alder Hey is the public sector legal entity responsible for hosting the tender process related to the framework award and, on behalf of Alder Hey, Procure Partnerships will manage the operational running of the framework.


Award date

2 years ago

Publish date

2 years ago

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Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust


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