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London & Quadrant Housing Trust- Scaffolding Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)



London and Quadrant Housing Trust and its subsidiary Quadrant Construction Services are one of the largest providers of affordable housing in the UK, housing over 250,000 people in more than 95,000 homes, primarily across London and the South East of England. London and Quadrant Housing Trust are tendering for the provision of services for Groundwork, RC Frame, External Works and Piling for London and Quadrant's Self Delivered New Build Projects to comply with the Public Contracts regulations 2015. The objective of this tender process is to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System with the tenderers and London and Quadrant Housing Trust. The dates and contract value are estimates and could be subject to change. This tender is for Sub-contractors only. This tender process is being carried out in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 34 of the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2015 relating to the procurement of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the purchase of the Works. The DPS is open to Admitted Suppliers throughout the period of validity. 'Admitted Supplier' means a supplier who has met the DPS admission criteria set out in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (SSQ) and has been registered on the DPS for one or more product categories. Suppliers and products may be submitted for evaluation and potentially, admission to the DPS at any time throughout the period of validity. Suppliers who have been unsuccessful in meeting the criteria to become an 'Admitted Supplier' may re-submit another, revised SSQ at any time beyond the initial mini competition. 1.0 Scope of Services - Scaffolding: All or any of the following: o Scaffolding o Tube and Clip Scaffolding o System Scaffolding (Cuplock, Kwikstage, Haki, etc..) Following the completion of the DPS Framework, L&Q will conduct a mini-competition tenders between all capable providers on a project by project basis, which may be shortlisted by following the process below. All tendering will be conducted using L&Q's In-Tend E-Procurement Portal. o Opt in - Each capable provider will be given the opportunity to opt in for individual project tenders o Stage 1 - SSQ response from all interested tenderers (quality, relevant experience etc.). o Stage 2 - shortlisted S/C's only invited to tender Stage 1 SSQ would identify the scope for each project and any shortlisting criteria. 2.0 Proposed Lots: We intend to breakdown the DPS into Lots based on value / size, so that all levels of Subcontractors are included in the process where relevant. Therefore, the Lot sizes have been based on a combination of QCS project ranges and also the varying sizes of the trade specific supply chain 2.2 Proposed London Lots o Up to ?2m o Above ?2m 5.0 Potential reasons for being removed from DPS list: o KPI's (performance on projects). Providers who receive poor KPI scores could be removed from the... Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


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London and Quadrant Group

George Tilley

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