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Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Recovery and Improvement Grant (DATRIG) 2025/26



As part of a Central Government investment of money to reduce the harms caused by substance use and to tackle related crime, all local authorities have been allocated grants to improve drug treatment services. These grants were initially for one year (2021-22) but were extended for a further three years (2022-25). We have now received confirmation that the grant has been extended for a further one year. This year, we received notification of our indicative allocation on 18 December 2024. The plan was submitted to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on the 27 February for approval and final sign off for services to commence on 1 April 2025. The grant is ring fenced with very strict conditions attached on how it can be spent; primarily on services that will reduce drug related crime and prevent drug related deaths and will be monitored very closely by central government and our plans for this year are broadly very similar to the last few years To be awarded to the existing supplier under the Provider Selection Regime - Direct Award Process C Duration: 01..04.2025 - 31.03.2026 Lot 1: Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Recovery and Improvement Grant (DATRIG)


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3 days ago

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North Somerset Council

Kate Williams

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