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Modernisation of Lift Installations at Oliphant Court, Paisley, Renfrewshire



ADL Lift Services Ltd


295,332 GBP


The existing installation consists of two independent 10 person, 750kg traction passenger lifts, each serving eight floors and with a single entrance having power operated single panel car and landing doors. The proposed works comprise the modernisation of the lift engineering installations with the manufacture, site erection, commissioning, certifying and maintenance for 1 year following practical completion of the replacement of the lift control panels and control system cables, the replacement of the main drive sheaves, the replacement of the suspension ropes and the replacement of the car doors & door operators, landing entrances and architraves together with modifications to the lift cabins and slings to accommodate the works. Inclusion shall be made for the replacement of all control wiring including trailing flexes and the Contractor shall liaise with the control system manufacturer to establish the precise requirements for same to ensure compatibility between new and any retained components. The Contractor shall make all allowances to interface new and any retained electrical equipment with new galvanised trunking and conduits. The existing hoisting machines, lift cabins, counterweights and guide rails shall be retained to work in conjunction with the modernised installation. Where any incompatibility or inadequacy is established, inclusion shall be made for any necessary modification or replacement of components, wiring or software and/or additional components, additional wiring or additional software to ensure that all other aspects of the proposed works can be accommodated and will function as required by this Specification. Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary attendant trades’ works associated with the installation of lift equipment and the Contractor shall be responsible for the appropriate coordination and site management of any sub-contractors engaged in this respect. Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary lifting equipment, storage, temporary electrical supplies, protection, cutting of ways, builderswork, making good, fixtures, all plant and materials specified or otherwise to form a complete and working installation. The works shall be undertaken during the continued occupation of the building and the Contractor shall be responsible for the safeguarding of landings and lift entrances during the works. Lot 1: Single Stage Tendering and all bidders may submit a tender


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Paisley Housing Association Limited

Alan McGillivray

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