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HAR6117 Lead PMO Consultant for Capital Projects



250,000 GBP


Direct award through the Pretium F23 - Herts, Beds & Bucks Development Framework. A Lead Project Programme Office Management consultant is required for the Capital Programme. In summary the role is to lead on the management of PMO for the Councils development and regeneration programme, ensuring that project reporting is realistic, effective, regular and of a high quality, and that key risk management processes and procedures are in place and being implemented at project officer delivery level. The role may also include governance and approval (Forward Plan) management, GLA AHP programme monitoring, audit compliance and reporting and other PMO requirements that the council have. Lead PMO - key deliverables would be as follows: • Be accountable for the provision of all key PMO services (including governance, financial, resource management, risk and issue management, reporting, and method compliance) whilst delegating responsibility across any other members of the PMO team to achieve maximum effectiveness. • Where required introduce effective reporting structures across the delivery teams. • Undertake the role of custodian for PMO standards and their continuous improvement, maintain a centralised repository for project management knowledge, templates and local practices as required. • Maintain governance for delivery of PMO services, defining clear roles, responsibilities and accountability that align with Councils governance practices. • Manage and support effective reporting tools, maintaining a central repository for status reports, work plans, and ensure timely updates and performance reporting processes. • Promote and nurture a culture that motivates and inspires excellent collective and individual performance, embraces change and delivers continuous improvement, initiate and lead change and continuous improvement programmes. • Drive the identification, recruitment, development, deployment and reassignment of PMO resources as required. • Conduct proactive health checks and reviews; support project teams with implementing findings and recommendations. Escalate and address non-conformance issues proportionately to their impact and needs of the business A viability consultant is required for the Capital Programme. Scope of works: 1. Cashflow Validation and Accuracy Objective: Ensure that the cashflows for each of the 48 schemes are accurate and aligned with project milestones and expenditure to date. Details: Consultant will validate the high-level cashflow projections for each scheme, checking that they reflect the latest available data and are in line with the project timelines and financial forecasts. Consultant will highlight discrepancies and identify any potential risks or inaccuracies. 2. Project Status Review (48 Schemes) Objective: Review the current status of all 48 schemes, identifying which are live, completed, or still in early stages. Details: ? Live Schemes: Approximately 20 schemes are actively progressing, and consultant will assess their current progress in terms of timelines, budget, and overall management. ? Completed Schemes: Six schemes have been completed, and consultant will conduct a post-completion financial review to ensure that all costs are captured and reconciled against the original budgets. ? Pending Schemes: For schemes still in the planning or early stages, consultant will confirm that cashflows and budgets are reflective of their current stage and expected progression. 3. Highlighting Issues in Project Manager’s Reports Objective: Review and flag significant issues within the Project Manager’s "highlight" reports. Details: ? Consultant will closely examine the reports to identify any potential concerns, such as budget overruns or timeline delays. This includes looking for discrepancies, particularly those that indicate multi-million-pound overspends. For example, consultant should pay close attention to schemes like the HAP scheme, which involves 406 units and has seen costs rise. ? Consultant will identify underlying causes of overspending, misalignment in forecasts, and any project management issues that may need to be addressed. 4. Regular Updates and Transparent Reporting Objective: Keep LBTH informed of progress throughout the review process. Details: Consultant will ensure transparency by providing regular updates on the time spent and work completed, allowing LBTH to track the status and adjustments as consultant goes through. Outcome of Phase 1: At the end of this phase, LBTH to receive: • A validated set of cashflows for each scheme, with identified discrepancies and potential financial risks highlighted. • An analysis of any issues identified in the Project Manager’s reports, including any multi-million-pound overspends or delays that need immediate attention. • A clearer understanding of where projects stand in relation to budget and timeline. • Recommendations for next steps and potential actions to address any issues that arise during the review. Next Steps / Phase 2 Consideration: This phase will provide critical insight that will inform the development of a more comprehensive, auditable, and fit-for-purpose system for managing development projects and cashflows going forward. Phase 2 is to include: • The design and implementation of a system for ongoing development management and cashflow tracking. • Interaction with Savills to streamline reporting and provide real-time visibility into status. • Enhanced governance and audit features to ensure that future schemes are managed with greater control and transparency. Keywords: development


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London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Morgan Hughes

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