Hammersmith & Fulham Mental Health Navigation Service
Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council are commissioning a provider to deliver a Mental Health Navigation Service in the borough from Summer 2025. This will be a new service for H&F, that will act as a mental health-specific wraparound for another new Public Health-commissioned service that supports residents in navigating public health services in H&F. The service will fall within the Provider Selection Regime under the Health Services (PSR’s) Regulations 2023, and we are seeking market engagement to help us determine both the service specification and which process under the PSR to follow. The core element of this service will be delivery of mental health navigation services to residents. The service requires a provider with high levels of clinical governance, appropriate organisational infrastructure, and an established track record of delivering mental health services. Lot 1: Hammersmith & Fulham had the highest local suicide rate in London during 2021 – 2023, with a rate of 10.7 per 100,000 residents. This is in line with the England average rate of 10.7, but higher than the average for London region (7.0). The local suicide rate is particularly high in men, with Hammersmith & Fulham having the highest suicide rate in England for men aged 45 – 64 years during calendar years 2018 –2022(https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile-group/mental-health/profile/suicide/data#page/1/gid/1938132828/ati/502/iid/41001/age/285/sex/4/cat/-1/ctp/-1/yrr/3/cid/4/tbm/1/page-options/car-do-0). Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy and has a devastating impact on family, friends, and wider circles. There is no one cause of suicide and the factors that can lead to a person dying by suicide are often complex and varied, however with compassionate, proactive, wraparound care, the risk of suicide can be reduced. We have identified a local need for additional wraparound Mental Health Navigation Service that will sit within a wider Wellbeing Navigation Service. H&F are seeking a provider who has demonstrable experience working with residents to improve mental health outcomes. You will need to have good working knowledge of local health and care systems, and understand the local challenges in H&F. There are several NHS and third sector mental health support services within the borough, but research and engagement with stakeholders tells us that, often, the range of services can be overwhelming, and when people are in high-risk, crisis, or vulnerable periods, their capacity to self-refer and navigate services can be limited. This highlights the need for a service which will operate under a proactive outreach model (alongside self-referrals) to help residents identify appropriate support needs. The service should be able to provide or signpost residents to different kinds of support, depending on their circumstances. The core element of this service will be delivery of mental health navigation services to residents. The service requires a provider with high levels of clinical governance, appropriate organisational infrastructure, and an established track record of delivering mental health services. Residents may self-refer into the service or be referred into by primary and secondary care providers. In order to provide proactive, protective support to residents following de-escalation from services, the provider will work closely with other public health commissioned services to provide holistic, wrap-around support. The service will sit alongside a new wellbeing navigation service. The wellbeing navigation service will work closely with the mental health navigation service through being the single point of access, triaging and generating referrals, and then bringing the mental health navigation service in as and when required. The resident, or service user, will complete a lifestyle behaviour assessment through the wellbeing service alongside the mental health navigation service to determine level of support needed. The resident, or service user, will complete a lifestyle behaviour assessment through the wellbeing service alongside the mental health navigation service to determine level of support needed. The support provided by the mental health navigation service at various tiers will include: Tier two: Mental health and wellbeing support Consultation with service users who have been identified as requiring non-crisis mental health support to identify needs Creation of personalised wellbeing plans Tier three: Consultation with service users who have been identified as requiring secondary/crisis mental health support 1:1 support from Psychiatrist Creation of personalised wellbeing plans Working with secondary care providers to strengthen referral pathways PLEASE SEE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Publish date
5 months ago
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London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
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- procurement@lbhf.gov.uk
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