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In 2023, the Welsh Government published an Innovation Strategy for Wales. Innovation in food and Agri-Tech was seen as a key part of Wales’ future economic development within this document. In late 2023, the Welsh Government published an Agri-tech action plan for Wales. The development and adoption of Agri-Tech and Precision Agri-Tech is a strategic area of growth for the Welsh economy and one that the Welsh Government deems requiring of focussed attention and a road map for development. The action plan has four priorities: 1. Accelerate Home Grown Welsh Agri-Tech Capabilities. 2. Drive on-farm adoption to achieve productivity and efficiencies (incl. Environmental) gains ‘more for less’. 3. Deliver environmental benefits and help transition to Net Zero. 4. Support educational and skills development to equip future and existing agricultural professionals to exploit Agri-Tech to its fullest. The Vision for the Food and Drink Industry from 2021 outlines a broad Vision and Mission for the future development of the Food and Drink Industry, and include economic growth and productivity improvement, benefitting people and society with emphasis on fair work and environmental sustainability, and raising the reputation of the Food and Drink industry. Technology and Innovation are identified as a key lever in delivering sustainable growth to the food and drink industry in Wales, and so providing a key market for agricultural produce in Wales. Food is a key part of the Foundational Economy, and the Foundational Economy objectives are embedded in the Vision, as well as in the policies and strategies from across Welsh Government that will support its delivery such as public health, communities, sustainability, the circular economy, decarbonisation, trade, skills, and tourism. In addition, the activities detailed below support other Welsh Government initiatives such as the Economic Action Plan. The Food Foundation Sector has been defined to cover all parts of the food and drink supply chain. Lot 1: This challenge seeks innovations that lead to increased efficiency, productivity and sustainability in Welsh agriculture and agri-food supply chains, delivering environmental benefits and accelerating the transition to Net Zero.


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NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership


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