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CfT for the provision of Services to host, support and develop NCCA’s website



The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) advises the Minister for Education on curriculum and assessment for early childhood education and for primary and post-primary schools. Full details of the organisation and its remit can be found on As part of this remit, NCCA also manages and maintains, the statutory website which houses all documentation around the curriculum for children aged 0-18 in Ireland. The breakdown of these curriculum areas includes: • Early Years education: the Aistear curriculum. This is currently being updated and work is expected to be required for this. • Primary education: The new draft Primary Curriculum Framework and a mixture of old and new curriculum areas and subject specifications and information. This is currently under development. • Junior Cycle education: The Junior Cycle Framework, 2015 and all new subject and short course specification as well as Level 1 and Level 2 curriculums. This sector is now undergoing a review stage and is also updated in each subject each year with additional material (mainly examples of student work). • Senior Cycle education: Consisting of four programmes, namely, Transition Year (TY), Leaving Certificate Established (LCE), Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) and Leaving Certificate Vocational Preparation (LCVP). All areas of the Senior Cycle sector are currently under development and all subjects will be revised and added from 2024 onwards. The remainder of this Appendix lays out the details of the tender in the following order: 1. Objectives 2. Current build information 3. Hosting 4. Service Level Agreement 5. Accessibility 6. Documentation and training 7. Translation 8. Social media 9. Establishing and maintaining a Staging Area 10. Potential developmental work 11. References and curriculum vitaes 12. Indicative Procurement Timetable Responses to points numbered 2-11 are required in submissions to this tender and should, where relevant, outline: • how the tenderer will establish each on the website • how each will be controlled/maintained through the CMS • a costing for each. Responses should only be submitted through the Pro-Forma which accompanies this Call for Tender and bidders submitting the Pro Forma should keep their answers to within the stipulated word count maximum for each section. Diagrams may be added where they support points being made. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) advises the Minister for Education on curriculum and assessment for early childhood education and for primary and post-primary schools. Full details of the organisation and its remit can be found on As part of this remit, NCCA also manages and maintains, the statutory website which houses all documentation around the curriculum for children aged 0-18 in Ireland. The breakdown of these curriculum areas includes: • Early Years education: the Aistear curriculum. This is currently being updated and work is expected to be required for this. • Primary education: The new draft Primary Curriculum Framework and a mixture of old and new curriculum areas and subject specifications and information. This is currently under development. • Junior Cycle education: The Junior Cycle Framework, 2015 and all new subject and short course specification as well as Level 1 and Level 2 curriculums. This sector is now undergoing a review stage and is also updated in each subject each year with additional material (mainly examples of student work). • Senior Cycle education: Consisting of four programmes, namely, Transition Year (TY), Leaving Certificate Established (LCE), Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) and Leaving Certificate Vocational Preparation (LCVP). All areas of the Senior Cycle sector are currently under development and all subjects will be revised and added from 2024 onwards. The remainder of this Appendix lays out the details of the tender in the following order: 1. Objectives 2. Current build information 3. Hosting 4. Service Level Agreement 5. Accessibility 6. Documentation and training 7. Translation 8. Social media 9. Establishing and maintaining a Staging Area 10. Potential developmental work 11. References and curriculum vitaes 12. Indicative Procurement Timetable Responses to points numbered 2-11 are required in submissions to this tender and should, where relevant, outline: • how the tenderer will establish each on the website • how each will be controlled/maintained through the CMS • a costing for each. Responses should only be submitted through the Pro-Forma which accompanies this Call for Tender and bidders submitting the Pro Forma should keep their answers to within the stipulated word count maximum for each section. Diagrams may be added where they support points being made.


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5 months ago

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4 months ago

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National Council for Curriculum and Assessment

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment

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