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CL:AIRE -Contaminated Land Advisory Services Contract





200,000 GBP


The Authority runs various schemes and research projects which relate to land contamination – identifying and evaluating chemical risks, plus the investigation and remediation of those sites where the risk to health or the wider environment is considered unacceptable. <br/>To help deliver Authority led schemes and initiatives, there is the need to liaise with the land contamination community and those groups and consortia who represent industry.<br/>The Authority is often required to devise and deliver various land contamination research projects, however it does not have the internal expertise or resource to undertake this work in-house. <br/>With the increasing importance and focus on new and emerging chemicals it is anticipated that continued collaboration with CL:AIRE will be required to deliver projects in the future. <br/>In order to streamline and expedite the procurement process for both Parties, a twenty four month call-off Contract will be established between the Authority and the Supplier.<br/><br/>The primary objective of establishing the Contract is to provide the Authority with an efficient, long-term solution to procuring the following services:<br/>1. Expert Technical Advice<br/>2. Ongoing Technical Consultancy Support Lot 1: A 24 month call-off Contract will be established between the Authority and the Supplier.<br/><br/>The primary objective of establishing the Contract is to provide the Authority with an efficient, long-term solution to procuring the following services:<br/>1. EXPERT TECHNICAL ADVICE<br/><br/>1.1. To undertake specific research and provide technical advice on contaminated land matters to Authority teams including:<br/>• preparation of detailed and comprehensive written reports, to an agreed format and timeline, as required.<br/>• presenting, explaining and discussing report findings to the Authority and other stakeholders. <br/>• other related research, analysis or technical advice as required.<br/><br/>2. ONGOING TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY SUPPORT<br/><br/>2.1 To provide ongoing technical support to the Authority including:<br/>• providing expert knowledge, advice and support to enable interpretation and understanding of technical aspects and implications of data and information relevant to contaminated land matters.<br/>• providing advice on robustness of evidence, gaps in evidence and methods.<br/>• providing access to expert bodies to provide supplementary evidence where needed.<br/>• co-authoring draft and final documentation with the Authority, including but not limited to:<br/>o Technical Bulletins<br/>o Training materials<br/>o Best Practice Documents<br/>o Industry guidelines<br/>o Case Studies<br/>o Research Reports<br/><br/>2.2 To provide ongoing technical support to maintain and develop quality standards relating to contaminated land management and remediation.<br/>2.3 To provide ongoing technical support to develop, maintain and update IT databases, platforms and other digital content for the Authority and public use.<br/>2.4 Other related technical support as required related to the Authority’s land contamination research projects.


Award date

29 days ago

Publish date

a day ago

Buyer information

Environment Agency

Carol Caddick

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