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Construction work for school buildings



Pobalscoil Rosmini (Rosmini Community School), construction of new post primary school with PE Hall and all associated site works. Construction of a new part single storey, part two storey and part three storey post-primary school of 6 786 m2 to provide general classrooms, specialised classrooms, PE Hall, general purpose area, a unit for pupils with multiple disability visual impairment, ancillary teaching and staff accommodation. Photovoltaic panels, at roof level are to be provided to the new school building. The development will also consist of the demolition of the existing single storey and part two storey post-primary school building, including specialist removal of asbestos. The development will include a new pedestrian and vehicle exit on to grace park road to provide a one-way vehicle route with a bus/ vehicle set down zone, 3 new hard play courts, site landscaping, cycle paths, bicycle parking spaces, additional 15 car park spaces including accessible parking spaces to provide 48 car park spaces, connections to public utility and drainage services, boundary treatments, alterations to existing drainage layout, and associated site development works.


Publish date

4 years ago

Close date

4 years ago

Buyer information

Pobalscoil Rosmini (Rosmini Community School)

Jackie Carroll

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