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Borehole Pumps



8,000,000 GBP


The supply of pumps designed for the abstraction of potable water from Boreholes (borehole pumps). Anglian Water's borehole pump duties range from 3l/s to 212l/s and 10m/h to 210m/h. To supply DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate) compliant borehole pumps for new schemes and replacement pumps with options for installation, commissioning and repair services supporting the Anglian Water Groundwater Team and strategic partners / delivery routes. The primary business unit acquiring borehole pumps has seen demands in the magnitude of 4-8 borehole pumps per month. This may be considered an indicative volume. Anglian Water does not guarantee pump volumes through the proposed period. All pumps must conform to WIMES specifications (including any Anglian Water specific edits. All pumps must comply to ISO9906:2012 Grade 1B, 1E or 1U or Grades 2B and 2U; no negative tolerance on pump and motor combined efficiency. Delivery of pumps is deemed a Health and Safety high risk activity. Bidders must hold Achilles UVDB Verify B or ISO45001. Bidders must evidence compliance with DWI regulations including certification of materials in contact and management of their processes around renewal of such certificates. Bidders are expected to evidence CDM Designer competence. Bidders are expected to know and evidence their environmental impact / sustainability and pump's carbon footprint. Bidders are expected to evidence development road maps. Anglian Water uses SAP Ariba and actively increasing purchasing coverage using SAP Ariba Guided Buying. The successful Bidders will commit to actively engaging, developing and using SAP Ariba with Anglian Water's Procurement Systems team. Lot 1: The major requirement is for the supply and delivery of DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate) compliant borehole pumps for new schemes and replacement pumps with options for installation, commissioning and repair services. All pumps must conform to WIMES specifications (including any Anglian Water specific edits. All pumps must comply to ISO9906:2012 Grade 1B, 1E or 1U or Grades 2B and 2U; no negative tolerance on pump and motor combined efficiency. Delivery of pumps is deemed a Health and Safety high risk activity. Bidders must hold Achilles UVDB Verify B or ISO45001. Bidders must evidence compliance with DWI regulations including certification of materials in contact and management of their processes around renewal of such certificates.


Publish date

2 months ago

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28 days ago

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Anglian Water Services

Judith Doyle

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