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Capita One Revenues and Benefits Software as a Service - KCS Y20023 only



Capita Business Services Ltd


2,305,845 GBP


Software as a Service (SaaS) solution directly with the application supplier. This is for the provision of a Revenue & Benefits fully managed software service which is required within Residents Services. The proposed enhanced solution will deliver benefits to help drive automation and support the overall Resident Experience and Access Programme (REAP).  SaaS solution for Revenues and Benefits. A fully hosted, integrated software solution, helping to create secure, easy-to-use, self-service options for customers, and changing how data is captured and managed. Hosted on Capita's One Cloud. Lot 1: The system provides a number of core modules and products to collect relevant data including: Housing Benefit (rent rebates, rent allowance and discretionary housing payments) Council Tax Council Tax Reduction Schemes Non-Domestic Rates (Business Rates) Payments (Creditors) Debt Management (Overpayments) The Council's current software (inc this future solution) solution enables the following: Bill, Collect and Recover Council Tax and Business Rates (including Business Improvement Districts Administration), Processing of Housing Benefits, Processing of Educational Benefits, Award of Council Tax Support and Recovery of Housing Benefits Overpayments. Functionality to complete statutory returns to Central Government.


Award date

11 months ago

Publish date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Reading Borough Council

Ben Boatman

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