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Early Learning, Childcare and Brokerage Services



Little Gems Childcare, Little Gems Childcare, Little Wren’s Montessori Childcare, Little Gems Childcare


146,058,429 GBP


The Council has a statutory duty to make pre-school education available for eligible children under the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and Statutory Guidance set out the increased entitlement to 1140 hours for eligible children which became a statutory duty from August 2021. The Funding Follows the Child approach places choice in parents’ and carers’ hands enabling them to access their child’s funded entitlement with a provider that best suits their needs. All providers who apply and meet the expected standard, legislation and the Council's procedural requirements as set out in the Invitation to Tender and accept the rates and contract terms set out by the Council shall be accepted to deliver funded provision through the Flexible Framework enabling them to register children in 2023 to commence Brokerage placements from Q2 2023 and funded Early Learning and Childcare placements from August 2023. This is the October 2024 re-opening of the framework that was awarded in January 2024. If you have already been awarded a place on this framework, you do not need to re-apply. Lot 1: ELC - Private and Third Sector Settings (excluding Childminders) The Council has a statutory duty to make pre-school education available for eligible children under the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and Statutory Guidance set out the increased entitlement to 1140 hours for eligible children which became a statutory duty from August 2021. The Funding Follows the Child approach places choice in parents’ and carers’ hands enabling them to access their child’s funded entitlement with a provider that best suits their needs. All providers who apply and meet the expected standard, legislation and the Council's procedural requirements as set out in the Invitation to Tender and accept the rates and contract terms set out by the Council shall be accepted to deliver funded provision through the Flexible Framework enabling them to register children in 2023 to commence Brokerage placements from Q2 2023 and funded Early Learning and Childcare placements from August 2023. Lot 2: ELC - Childminders The Council has a statutory duty to make pre-school education available for eligible children under the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and Statutory Guidance set out the increased entitlement to 1140 hours for eligible children which became a statutory duty from August 2021. The Funding Follows the Child approach places choice in parents’ and carers’ hands enabling them to access their child’s funded entitlement with a provider that best suits their needs. All providers who apply and meet the expected standard, legislation and the Council's procedural requirements as set out in the Invitation to Tender and accept the rates and contract terms set out by the Council shall be accepted to deliver funded provision through the Flexible Framework enabling them to register children in 2023 to commence Brokerage placements from Q2 2023 and funded Early Learning and Childcare placements from August 2023. Lot 3: Lot 3- Childcare Brokerage The Council has a statutory duty to make pre-school education available for eligible children under the Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and Statutory Guidance set out the increased entitlement to 1140 hours for eligible children which became a statutory duty from August 2021. The Funding Follows the Child approach places choice in parents’ and carers’ hands enabling them to access their child’s funded entitlement with a provider that best suits their needs. All providers who apply and meet the expected standard, legislation and the Council's procedural requirements as set out in the Invitation to Tender and accept the rates and contract terms set out by the Council shall be accepted to deliver funded provision through the Flexible Framework enabling them to register children in 2023 to commence Brokerage placements from Q2 2023 and funded Early Learning and Childcare placements from August 2023.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Dumfries and Galloway Council

Craig Wilson

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