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Cartrefu, Ardudwy: commission to deliver community archaeology survey and excavation of derelict rur



Sheffield University


49,671 GBP


Please see full description in attached brief.The Eryri National Park Authority (ENPA) isseeking to appoint a suitable contractor todeliver a community archaeology survey andexcavation project in the historic landscape ofArdudwy on the coastal western flanks of theEryri National Park. The project is focussedon ruinous post-medieval cottages in the rurallandscape. It will take place in 2024 and 2025.The ENPA is specifically seeking anarchaeological contractor who is experiencedin working with community volunteers,including in particular with Welsh speakingparticipants, with demonstrated knowledgeand expertise of both the required fieldworktechniques (and ability to finalise project workto archive stage) and of the subject material.The contractor should have an excellentrecord of developing and delivering engagingcommunity participation and schools’ projects.Every aspect of this commission must becompleted by June, 2025.The closing date for the receipt of tenders is12pm, Monday, July 22nd, 2024.


Award date

8 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Snowdonia National Park Authority/Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri

Naomi Jones

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