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Request for Tenders for the provision of maintenance services for Met Eireann’s meteorological and environmental monitoring instrumentation and related infrastructure.



600,000 EUR


Met Éireann’s maintains a national network of automated climatological stations, which are referred to as CAMP network stations. The information from these sensors are recorded, stored and transmitted, utilising data loggers and associated communication equipment, to Met Éireann HQ, for input into the Met Éireann database. This tender relates to the provision of regular scheduled maintenance to these stations. The CAMP (Climate) network consists of 78 stations currently (this number is projected to increase to 81) located throughout the country, on a mixture of private and public land. Scheduled maintenance is completed on a 2 year rotational basis with approximately 40 sites being visited each year. All maintenance must be completed with adherence to the current WMO guidance , including, if acceptable, any amendment or update to same. Applicant should refer to for the most recent publication. The tendering company will undertake, at a minimum, one scheduled maintenance visit to each site location every 2 year period, fulfilling the agreed requirements. The sites are grouped by region (see Site Regional Map in the Tender documentation) and the work schedule is normally planned to reflect this, However, if several issues occur at a particular station, then the scheduled maintenance for that particular site may be brought forward on occasion. Urgent, non scheduled maintenance may also be required on occasion to any of the network stations. The tenderer is invited to include, on a per station basis, a quotation for this work. Met Éireann’s maintains a national network of automated climatological stations, which are referred to as CAMP network stations. The information from these sensors are recorded, stored and transmitted, utilising data loggers and associated communication equipment, to Met Éireann HQ, for input into the Met Éireann database. This tender relates to the provision of regular scheduled maintenance to these stations. The CAMP (Climate) network consists of 78 stations currently (this number is projected to increase to 81) located throughout the country, on a mixture of private and public land. Scheduled maintenance is completed on a 2 year rotational basis with approximately 40 sites being visited each year. All maintenance must be completed with adherence to the current WMO guidance , including, if acceptable, any amendment or update to same. Applicant should refer to for the most recent publication. The tendering company will undertake, at a minimum, one scheduled maintenance visit to each site location every 2 year period, fulfilling the agreed requirements. The sites are grouped by region (see Site Regional Map in the Tender documentation) and the work schedule is normally planned to reflect this, However, if several issues occur at a particular station, then the scheduled maintenance for that particular site may be brought forward on occasion. Urgent, non scheduled maintenance may also be required on occasion to any of the network stations. The tenderer is invited to include, on a per station basis, a quotation for this work.


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

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Met Eireann

Met Eireann

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