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Habilitation Service for children with a visual impairment



135,000 GBP


Telford & Wrekin Council wish to commission a Habilitation service for children aged pre-school to 18 years old, with a visual impairment, resident within Shropshire County. The service is delivered with regard to the Local Authority's duty under the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Code of Practice England 2014; to provide support of high quality for children and young people with any form of learning difficulty or disability. The Habilitation Service will work with The Council's Sensory Impairment service to ensure that children and young people with visual impairment are enabled, through high quality mobility and independence training and support, to achieve the greatest possible independence and maximise their educational outcomes and life chances. The Provider will deliver expertise in child development and habilitation skills for successful implementation to the recognised group of children and young people and will operate the service across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Local Authority areas, as a joint arrangement. The Provider will deliver the service in accordance to the Habilitation Quality Standards. Additional information: This opportunity is accessed through the Telford & Wrekin tender portal The opportunity number is TWC000666. If you're not already registered on the In-Tend system you can register via this link Please ensure that you allow yourself at least 2 hours when responding to this invite prior to the closing date and time, especially if you have to upload multiple documents. No other method of submission will be accepted. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes


Publish date

2 months ago

Close date

a month ago

Buyer information

Telford and Wrekin Council

Samantha Ives

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