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47,866 GBP


In 2021 Crewe Town Council commissioned a feasibility study into the development of a Business Improvement District for Crewe. They are now seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced consultancy to work with and support the Council and its partners in the development of a Business Improvement District proposal, covering all or part of Crewe Town Centre and its' surrounding areas of Nantwich Road and Retail Park, that can be presented for ballot to the corresponding business community. The process to include: Establishment of BID steering Group. Business Plan development and consultation to refine businesses priorities. Develop and finalise baseline agreements with the Local Authority, Cheshire Police and other public agencies . Business Improvement District Regulations - provision of notices. Finalise the BID Business Plan/BID proposal document. Develop and deliver a marketing campaign for the BID vote. Set up BID. BID Implementation. Due to the specialised nature of this project, the selected supplier must have previous demonstrable knowledge and experience of developing Business Improvement Districts and evidence of successful BID ballots. Submitting your tender. If you are intending to submit a tender please contact : All questions and corresponding answers will be anonymised and sent to all those who have registered. Final tenders must be submitted in a plain, sealed envelope labelled: Tender - Crewe BID" Such envelopes should not bear any name or mark indicating the sender, and shall remain sealed until the time appointed for their opening. Posted tenders must be addressed and sent to: Town Clerk Crewe Town Council 1 Chantry Court Forge Street Crewe CW1 2DL Each submission must contain at least one hard copy of the tender but can also include an electronic copy on a memory stick or CD. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 12:00 Midday Monday 1st August 2022 Tenders received after this date will not be considered. CONTRACT AWARD CONDITIONS Crewe Town Council reserves the right not to award any contract as a result of this tender process and is not bound to accept the lowest bid. Please note that canvassing of members of the Council or of any committee, directly or indirectly, regarding the awarding of this tender, will disqualify the applicant. Members of the Council or of any committee shall not solicit or recommend persons or organisations for such appointments; but, nevertheless, any such member may give a written testimonial of a candidate's ability, experience or character for submission to the Council with an application for appointment, providing they are not part of the selection process.


Award date

3 years ago

Publish date

3 years ago

Buyer information

Crewe Town Council

lindsay lewis

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