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TMBC Strategic Housing Market Assessment



Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council (TMBC) ('The Council') is looking to commission a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to inform the emerging Local Plan and provide a tool for development management decisions. Whilst local plan timescales have not been formally confirmed / agreed, it is likely that a Regulation 18 consultation will take place around Summer 2025, with the aim of Local Plan submission by the December 2026 deadline as currently proposed In the latest NPPF consultation. The SHMA will need to inform the Regulation 18 Local Plan and will form an integral part of the evidence base to underpin new housing related policies in the emerging Local Plan. The work will relate to the whole Local Planning Authority Area.\r \r A Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) is intended to provide an assessment of both housing need and demand. It considers the scale and mix of housing needed over the longer-term, both market and affordable, taking account of population and demographic dynamics, and the housing needs of different groups within the local community.\r \r The purpose of the study is to provide an up-to-date, robust and comprehensive evidence base for housing associated with the Local Planning Authority Area during the period to 2042, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and national guidance contained in the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). The study should follow the amendments to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (uses B2 and B8 and E).\r \r Key Dates & Timeline for Procurement\r \r The Council will endeavour to adhere to the following timetable but will not incur any liability whatsoever for any variations that become necessary:-\r \r Tender release: Monday 9 December 2024\r Expression of Interest Deadline: 12:00pm on Monday 6 January 2025\r Deadline for submission of completed tenders: 12:00pm on Monday 13 January 2025\r Evaluation: w/c 13 January 2025\r Appointment of contractor: by 27 January 2025\r Inception meeting (if necessary): 28 January 2025\r First draft with key indicators: w/c 14 April 2025\r Draft report: w/c 19 May 2025\r Presentation to Council if needed - TBC\r Meeting to discuss study conclusions and final report: 3 June 2025\r Final report submitted: 20 June 2025\r \r ** Please note: All expressions of interest, and subsequent correspondence and submissions, must be made via the Kent Business Portal - **


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3 months ago

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2 months ago

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Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council

Dan Hutchins

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