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Llangollen 2020 - Highways & Environmental Improvements & A5 Traffic Signals, Hill/Hall Street Junct



A.Parry Construction Co. Ltd.


1,044,779.87 GBP


Works will consist of the following main items :-> General site clearance including the removal and re-siting of existing pedestrian signals and associated equipment, lighting columns and street furniture;Façade & Structural Surveys of all buildings adjacent to works areas ;> Contractor provision of a dedicated Site Liaison Officer ;> Temporary traffic management including pedestrian and traffic lights ;> Excavation of existing kerbs and footway construction on Castle Street, Market Street, Bridge Street and the A539/A542 junction ;> Installation of new pc kerbs and footway construction using natural stone materials on Market Street ;> Construction of new kerb alignment and widened footways using natural stone materials on A539/A542 junction, Castle Street and Bridge Street ;> Replacement of existing chamber covers with recessed precinct covers for paving ;> Contractor design and implementation of basement / cellar lights in footways ;> Planing and resurfacing of the existing carriageways on Castle Street and A539/A542 junction ;> Installation of thermal expansion joints over bridge ;> Installation of raised tables on 2 junctions along Castle Street ;> Installation of new uncontrolled crossing points ;> Widening and ramping of the existing controlled crossing on A539/Mill Street ;> New carriageway drainage ;> Street Lighting Columns and lanterns on the Dee Bridge. New lanterns and bracket arms only on remainder of Castle Street ;> Road Markings and anti-skid ;> Road and destination signage ;> Street furniture eg. bins, guardrail, tree & tree maintenance.I addition to the above, DCC have been requested by NMWTRA to incorporate into the works 2 additional project areas for construction. The design for these have been carried out by YGC and Siemens. The works consist of the following main items :-> Replacement of the existing traffic signals and all associated equipment on the A5/Castle Street Junction and linking of the signals via MOVA to the 2 existing controlled crossings on the eastand west sides of the A5 ;> Remodelling of the Hill / Hall Street Junction off the A5 outside the Armoury Building.


Award date

4 years ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Denbighshire County Council

Ethan Jones

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