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Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)



3,000,000 GBP


Swindon Borough Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF). Swindon Borough Council are looking to procure a Framework of providers to provide services against the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF). Activity must take place only within the Spring, Summer and Winter school term holidays. All sessions must be a minimum of 4-hours in length, and offer a nutritious meal to all eligible children in attendance, at every session. Aged 4-16. The aims of the programme are to ensure children eligible for HAF are able to: • Eat more healthily and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition (there needs to be opportunities families to learn about nutrition and advice on support available) • Be more physically active, and partake in physical and enriching activities (which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment) • To socialise and be more engaged with schools and local services • Make communities safer and combat social isolation Providers delivering Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) provision in Swindon will be required to meet the HAF standards as defined by the DfE and outlined within the Specification. Funding rates will be broken down by 'Activity Type', as outlined below (per booking, per 4-hour session): Activity Type: Activity Type Title: Set price per session (minimum 4 hours), per individual booking: Activity Type 1 Universal provision for primary school aged children £28 Activity Type 2 Universal provision for secondary school aged children £28 Activity Type 3 Specialist provision for children with targeted or specialist special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND). £75 The estimated total of the initial term ( 12 months ) for the contract is £750000 and the total potential value of the contract is £3,000,000 for the 4 years.. Full details relating to the Services are provided in the tender documents. To participate, Suppliers will need to Register as a Supplier with ProContract,, then Register an Interest before obtaining access to the tender documents. In the event of difficulties registering as a supplier, please refer to the System Administrator Proactis support team Tender clarifications to be submitted in writing via Messaging in ProContract tender portal by 11th March 2025, 1200 hrs UK Local time. The Council's responses to these clarification questions will be issued periodically on the ProContract tender portal. Tender Responses are required to be submitted no later than 19th March 2025, 1200 hrs UK Local time via ProContract tender portal - Please note that this project has been advertised on Find a Tender Service (FTS) Contract Notice/Contr


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Swindon Borough Council

Harry Mattingley

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