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Support Workers to Provide Therapeutic Activities



As a part of the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s (CAVUHB) Home First principle and the prevention of deconditioning, a pilot project was established in 2019 to provide an environment whereby these individuals can be supported and cared for more appropriately while they wait for their discharge destination to become available.The purpose of this project is to work with commissioned third sector organisations with mental health dementia experience working in in-patient settings to provide meaningful activities and some basic care. This enhances the current nursing support provided by the NHS to ensure that these patients are encouraged to participate in socialising activities in order to maintain their optimum well-being. This is particularly important in respect of those who are cognitively impaired.In addition, there are a number of patients who have been assessed as ‘clinically optimised’ meaning they no longer require a hospital environment and are awaiting placement in a care home or a complex package of care in their own home. Therefore, CAVUHB are looking to balance this general approach with more targeted individualised support for people to have confidence in returning home. This may be through a range of additional support such as social prescribing, advice or assistance through the discharge journey.Due to the success of the previous pilot scheme and subsequent contract, the Health Board are once again seeking renewal of the current provision and have allocated funding of £135,000.00 per annum. The primary contract period will be one-year from inception of contract, with an optional two-year extension period, to be reviewed annually.


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3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Cardiff & Vale University Health Board

Bethan Dyke

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