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Grounds Maintenance Services



40,000 GBP


- Regular mowing and trimming of grassed areas at Millennium Copse, Stafford Mount, Cemetery and playground - Hedge and shrub maintenance - Flower bed planting and maintenance at Stafford Mount - Litter picking and waste removal - Seasonal planting and decorative arrangements - Playground surfacing inspection and maintenance Uplyme Cemetery (approx 6800sq metres including surrounding hedges and vegetation)  Annual cost paid monthly Special attention is needed to keep this area attractive for relatives of the deceased. 1. Grass around headstones/vases to be kept tidy. Note that memorials are the responsibility of the relatives. Floral tributes or plants are not supposed to be placed on the grass in the new part of the cemetery (the north side), with the exception of recent burials where the grave has not yet been made up. However, the Contractor is expected to use discretion especially at Easter and Christmas. Also note that the older part of the Cemetery (the south side) has some kerbed memorials that require strimming around. 2. Yew trees at the entrance to be kept under control, and pruning/feeding/ mulching of shrubs as necessary to keep them in good order. 3. Daffodil leaves alongside paths not to be cut for a month after flowering. 4. All waste vegetation to be composted in the compound and removed at suitable intervals. 5. Rubbish bins to be regularly emptied into sacks provided by the Parish Clerk and placed outside the northern gate for collection. 6. Footpath from school gate running along back of cemetery to field gate to be strimmed at least twice a year to keep down nettles and vegetation. Millennium Copse (approx 3500sq metres including surrounding hedges and vegetation)  Ad Hoc on request and cost 1. Main internal grass to be kept to a reasonable height for a meadow with a cut at least twice per year 2. Weeds and Brambles to be removed and suppressed as needed. 3. PRoW to be kept accessible and to a reasonable path growth for accessibility 4. Borders to be cut to a low level up to markers surrounding the Copse Grass strips adjacent to Lyme Road near Uplyme War Memorial (approx 120sq metres including surrounding vegetation and paths)  Annual cost paid monthly Note: Grass surrounding war memorial is (currently) mown by the Barnes Meadow Contractor. 1. To be kept swept and tidy and clear of any growth. If spraying is required then the Clerk should be contacted. 2. Additional maintenance work to be carried out no more than 48 hours prior to each Remembrance Sunday to ensure that the area is presented to the standard required of a public ceremony. At this point, the old tributes should be removed and disposed of. 3. To maintain and cut 3 x grass verges adjacent to the war memorial. Stafford Mount Gardens (approx 250sq metres including borders, surrounding hedges and vegetation)  Annual cost paid monthly 1. Vegetation overhanging/bordering paths to be kept cut back to allow free passage. 2. Flowerbeds to be kept weeded at regular intervals. 3. Any tree branches to be cut if lower than 2 metres above ground level. Uplyme Playground (approx 1000sq metres including borders, surrounding hedges and vegetation)  Annual cost paid monthly Safety is the most important aspect of the Contractor's work in this area, although attention needs to be paid to allowing children to play in a pleasant and clean environment. 1. All wetpour safety surfaces to be regularly brushed, and kept clear of growth, especially during wet periods. 2. Cut grass on regular basis. 3. Clear litter. 4. Report any damages and/or animal damage to area. Grass triangle at Church St/Pound Lane (approx 150sq metres including surrounding vegetation and paths)  Annual cost paid monthly 1. Care to be taken of daffodil bulbs in spring, and leaves not cut for a month after flowering. 2. Edges to be kept strimmed especially at narrow part in Church St. Bus Shelters  Annual cost paid monthly 1. Talbot Arms bus shelter: to be inspected regularly and rubbish removed. 2. Bus shelter (Stafford Mount) opposite Whalley Lane: to be swept regularly, and to be kept clear of ivy and other invasive growth. Grass Verge Lyme Road (opposite Tappers Knapp)  Annual cost paid monthly 1. Maintenance of borders throughout the year at: Lyme Road border outside bungalow below (Lydell house) Hedge, Lyme Road (opposite side of Talbot Arms) (approx 70 metres long including verge)  Annual cost paid monthly 1. Cut and trim hedge between Tennis Court - playground and Lyme Road from Village Hall down to River Lim


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Uplyme Parish Council

Zishan Adamson-Drage

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