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Homes England - South West Rugby Homestead Link Road - Advanced Vegetation Clearance Services, 2024





246,110 GBP


The Services include but are not exclusively limited to the following:\r \r 1. Responsibility for coordination, supervision and administration of the Service with all parties; \r \r 2. Establishment, maintenance, and removal on completion of the Supplier's compound(s), welfare facilities and storage areas. Any compound used for storage of plant, equipment, materials, and substances will be lockable and fenced off behind security fencing with sufficient clearance space and gated access points. The location(s) of the Supplier's compound is subject to approval of the Contract Administrator;\r \r 3. Undertaking of all operations in accordance with the Scope of Services;\r \r 4. Undertaking of all operations in accordance with the Pre-Construction Information, general health and safety policy of Homes England and all relevant health and safety legislation;\r \r 5. Removal of all trees and non-woody vegetation as detailed within the Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Arboricultural Method Statement;\r \r 6. Satisfying of requirements for ecological mitigation measures in line with the consented planning application (R22/0928) for the advanced vegetation clearance services in accordance with SW Rugby: Homestead Link Road Ecology Mitigation - Indicative Specifications for Enabling Works and working in accordance with Natural England licences to be obtained by Homes England;\r \r 7. Supply and install fencing to 'stop up' any gaps created because of vegetation removal works;\r \r 8. Responsibility for all temporary design where required and gaining all necessary approvals;\r \r 9. Removal of all materials from site; and\r \r 10. Demobilisation.\r \r Other activities required for the completion of the Services include but are not exclusively limited to the following:\r \r 1. Preparation of a contract programme and provision of updates as required;\r \r 2. Provide within sufficient time to allow Commencement of the Works by the specified date the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan, to include details on traffic management, Quality Management, Emergency Preparedness etc. considering time required for necessary approvals by Principal Designer;\r \r 3. Preparation of a Communications Strategy subject to approval of Contract Administrator to incorporate interactions within Homes England, their appointed Consultants and third parties including but not limited to public, Local Planning Authority, Statutory Undertakers, Tenants, Third Party landowners and affected residents, Natural England etc.\r \r 4. Risk Assessments and Method Statements for all elements of the Services;\r \r 5. All necessary reporting as outlined within the Scope of Services; and\r \r 6. Provision of Health and Safety File on completion of the contract.\r \r Detailed specification and supporting documentation can be found on ProContract. Additional information: The opportunity can be accessed via the Homes England eTendering system. Suppliers wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and submit a tender through Homes England's eTendering system. If not already registered, candidates must register at Homes England is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. The privacy notice aims to give you information on how Homes England collects and processes personal data provided to us, including information that you provide directly, and tell you about your rights and how the law protects you. Please refer to our Privacy Notice at for further information.


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