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Recreational, cultural and sporting services



The City and County of Swansea (‘the Council’) is exploring opportunities for a partnership approach to delivering aspects of its portfolio of leisure and cultural facilities. As per lot 1 (see above). As per lot 1 (see above). As per lot 1 (see above). As per lot 1 (see above). The Council is committed to high quality leisure and cultural provision and currently operates a range of facilities including leisure centres, museums, libraries, parks, outdoor venues, visitor attractions and arts venues. In the majority of cases, the Council currently operate these services directly but is considering future management options. Following an options analysis the Council have taken the decision to proceed with the procurement of a partner (or partners) to develop and deliver the leisure and culture portfolio. To achieve this the Council has split the service into five lots which it believes will enable potential partners to focus on their key areas. These lots include:- — Lot 1: Leisure Centres — Lot 2: Outdoor Leisure — Lot 3: Theatres — Lot 4: Museums & Art Gallery — Lot 5: Plantasia Applicants may apply for one or any combination of the above lots, including all 5 lots. Please note: lots 2, 3 and 4 may be applied for in part (see procurement documents for full details). The future options which the Council is considering could be a partnership with alternative providers including the following options: — Management contract (including investment) for some or all of its facilities — Long term lease (through either community asset transfer or disposal) — The establishment of a new not-for-profit organisation to deliver services — Joint venture opportunities The Council is willing to consider any form of partnership and would welcome proposals from interested third party providers (including local organisations, national and international organisations who believe they can deliver the outcomes the Council is seeking). Leisure and Culture is a much valued front line service, providing a range of health and well-being related facilities, activities and programmes, all aimed at contributing to improving mental and physical health and wellbeing and ultimately making Swansea a better place to live. For 2015-16, the Council's Cultural Services department had a budget of 10 900 000 GBP (net controllable expenditure), with an income target of 11 500 000 GBP. The Service as a whole currently employs 217 full time staff and 227 part time staff. The Council within the current challenging financial climate is seeking significant savings to its existing budget and is undergoing a process of considerable transformation to support the delivery of some of these savings. It is also keen to explore the further potential efficiencies through alternative providers. In order to achieve its outcomes and vision, the Council encourages interest from all leisure and cultural operators, including existing leisure not-for-profit organisations, local community organisations and other operators or social enterprises which may have the relevant experience and capacity to deliver.


Publish date

9 years ago

Close date

8 years ago

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City and County of Swansea


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